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If you had the option to time travel forward past COVID-19, but skip out on unknown months of potential productivity, would you?

Edited by Sonious as of 13:28
No votes yet
Yes, I would skip ahead.
32% (32 votes)
No, I'm gonna wait it out.
68% (69 votes)
Votes: 101


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Clearly me not being productive during these times would not do anyone any good. During bad times is when non-fiction is needed the most. So I would slog through this and not jump forward.

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I also posted this on Twitter fyi, where it has 40+ votes at present. It's really been interesting hearing what people would do.

I'm a different furry with different opinions.

Debut Album out now go stream it plz

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I'm not sure I understand what is being asked? Like if I skip the time I wasn't there to do anything and so my bills are backed up?

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In my mind consider it like skipping in a video game. Cuz it's like, if you didn't eat or drink water during that time skip you'd be dead also. So just assuming that you just are completely fine everything's taken care of in your personal life, you just appear in the future.

I'm a different furry with different opinions.

Debut Album out now go stream it plz

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I clicked through to the Twitter version of the poll, and the different wording there clarified it for me. I guess this is assuming that the reader has been furloughed or is working reduced hours, but I'm not, so I guess there's no reason not to skip it lol.

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As someone stuck down in the heart of the Trump/Ducey pandemic, I can say emphatically this is lost time. I'm going through the motions of PTSD misery, this is a toxic environment and a waste of our lives. We are being deprived of our Universal Human Rights and it is intolerable. Why has the traitor not been removed from power?

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As a dragon, I must admit I'd have thought you'd be able to take the long view. Besides, what use are humans' rights to us?

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While technically elder dragon, we kirin (qilin) react poorly to unjust rulers.

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As for human rights, securing the universality of rights for one species is the first step in establishing the idea that all species have rights that shall not be infringed.

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In one episode of Brand New Animal an avian animal said they regretted fighting for "human rights" as migratory birds were restricted by ground boarders when they had to suddenly follow human law.

I thought that was a very cleaver though about human law and natural law, I don't think Trump minds a desert fox crossing the Mexico Border, so the human who wants to get across probably would wish they were an animal at that point.

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Walls/fences on borders also stop animals from crossing.

"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~

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Tell that to the foxes in our garden!

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Not birds.

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You guys know people who illegally smuggle immigrants across the border are called coyotes, right?

Edit: On the further thought, the two guys from Europe and the state that has a border with Canada may not.

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Indeed... around here we call them people smugglers. Heck, we'd be more likely to see a snakehead gang

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Yup, haven't heard that expression, but you know Pepper Coyote lives in a Southern Border state and has a coyote fursona, so...

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