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Neopets to get animated series in 2021

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Reporting from Verve indicates that Neopets will be releasing an animated series in 2021. Neopets is known for its Flash based entertainment that held its own with other such animal care based franchises of the 1990s such as Pokemon, Digimon, or Tamagochi.

The owning company JumpStart, who bought it from Viacom in 2014, hopes to use this as a way to refresh interest in the pet based franchise at a time where they are shifting their Flash based interface before most browsers discontinue support for Flash applications by the end of this year.


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I go on Neopets every day.

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I always wanted a Neopets cartoon, eh.

Your rating: None Average: 4.3 (3 votes)

Neopets is still around, and has enough of a following to get a cartoon? Did I travel back in time? What year is it? Who is the president?

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I thought Neopets was pretty much dead, or at least nowhere near the mainstream eye. Pretty cool that it's getting a cartoon, though! I hope it's good.

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