Ursa Major Awards for 2019 Open for Voting - Fursuit and NonFiction categories removed for year
The Ursa Majors are ready for votes and the nominees have been revealed. Voting can be found at their website and is open throughout the month of March. Two categories, however, received no nominees due to being an insufficient number of nominations and will not be put up to vote for a winner. Those two categories being Fursuits and Non-Fiction.
If you enjoy film, fiction, art, or any other of the many items that are up for selection as the best of the best for the year of 2019 be sure to vote this month. If you like non-fiction or fursuits, well, you can always be sure to nominate next year.
The nominees are:
Best Motion Picture
Live-action or animated feature-length movies
• Avengers: Endgame (Directed by Anthony Russo and Joe Russo; April 26)
• Frozen 2 (Directed by Jennifer Lee and Chris Buck; November 22)
• Pokémon Detective Pikachu (Directed by Rob Letterman; May 3)
• Rocko's Modern Life: Static Cling (Directed by Joe Murray and Cosmo Serguson; August 9)
• Toy Story 4 (Directed by Josh Cooley; June 21)
Best Dramatic Series or Short Work
TV series or one-shots, advertisements or short videos.
• Aggretsuko, Season 2 (Directed by Rarecho)
• Amphibia (Directed by Bert Youn and Derek Kirk Kim)
• Beastars (Directed by Shinichi Matsumi) Episode 1, October 8, 2019 (Japan)
• Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart (Written and Storyboarded by Phil Ahn, Allison Craig, Nathanael H. Jones, Griffith Kimmins, Alexandria Kwan, Nora Meek, Michael Moloney, Emily Oetzell, Parker Simmons, and Chris Ybarra)
• My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, Season 9 (Directed by Denny Lu, Mike Myhre, and Gillian Comerford)
Best Novel
Written works of 40,000 words or more. Serialized novels qualify only for the year that the final chapter is published.
• Darwin-sensei, Kemono Musume-tachi ga Gakuen de Omochi desu!, by Daisaburo Nonoue
• Fair Trade, by Gre7g Luterman
• Nexus Nine, by Mary E. Lowd
• Off The Mark, by Bernard Doove and Jeff Hartt
• Red Skies, by GS Cole and NC Shapero
Best Short Fiction
Stories less than 40,000 words, poetry, and other short Written works.
• Black Out In Space, by Mary E. Lowd
• Bourbon Jack, by Linnea Capps
• Ecto-Cafe, by Mary E. Lowd
• The Move, by Kristi Brooks
• This Dog For Hire, by Mary E. Lowd, in Jove Deadly's Lunar Detective Agency
Best Other Literary Work
Story collections, comic collections, graphic novels, non-fiction works, and serialized online stories.
• Fang 10, edited by Kyell Gold and Sparf
• Heat 16, edited by Alopex and Dark End
• Jove Deadly's Lunar Detective Agency, by Garrett Marco and Mary E. Lowd
• ROAR Volume 10, edited by Mary E. Lowd
• The Rabbit Dies First, edited by Ryan Campbell
• Tri-Galactic Trek, edited by Mary E. Lowd
Best Graphic Story
Includes comic books, and serialized online stories.
• Beastars: Volume 12-16, by Itagaki Paru
• The Dreamkeepers, by David & Liz Lillie
• Lackadaisy, by Tracy J. Butler
• Shine, by Babystar
• Slightly Damned, by Chu
Best Comic Strip
Newspaper-style strips, including those with ongoing arcs.
• Carry On, by Kathy Garrison Kellogg
• Doc Rat, by Jenner
• Freefall, by Mark Stanley
• Friends You Are Stuck With, by Gabe Bold
• Housepets!, by Rick Griffin
Best Magazine
Edited collections of creative and/or informational works by various people, professional or amateur, published in print or online in written, pictorial or audio-visual form.
• Dogpatch Press, edited by Patch Packrat
• Flayrah, edited by GreenReaper, Sonious, and Dronon
• Up Fur Review, podcast by Jaden Drackus, TJ Minde, and Mog K. Moogle
• Virginity Clan, YouTube videos
• Zooscape, edited by Mary E. Lowd
Best Published Illustration
Illustrations for books, magazines, convention program books, cover art for such, coffee-table portfolios.
• Idess, Jove Deadly's Lunar Detective Agency book cover
• Moth Monarch, Furnal Equinox 2019 T-shirt design
• Moth Monarch, Surf Pacific Anthrocon 2019 banner and conbook art
• Silfoe, Off The Mark book cover
• Teagan Gavet, Tri-Galactic Trek book cover
Best Game
Computer or console games, role-playing games, board games.
• Blacksad: Under The Skin
• Kingdom Hearts III
• Pokémon: Sword and Shield
• Untitled Goose Game
• Winds of Change
Best Website
Online collections of art, stories, and other creative and/or informational works. Includes galleries, story archives, directories, blogs, and personal sites.
• e621.net
• Fur Affinity
• Inkbunny
• Newgrounds
• WikiFur

About the author
Sonious (Tantroo McNally) — read stories — contact (login required)a project coordinator and Kangaroo from CheektRoowaga, NY, interested in video games, current events, politics, writing and finance
I for one am quite honored that furry non-fiction writers are held with the same esteem by the furry community as our fursuiters!
Yup. Both with a lotta possible nominees getting a one or two votes, but no one getting a plurality :(
If you're trying to vote from a yahoo.com address and are having problems, please see this Tweet.
My votes for this year.
1) Pokemon Detective Pikachu
Great movie! Looks amazing and offered pretty much everything I was hoping. The ending was a little weak though but it built up more than enough goodwill for me to overlook that. Here is my full review: https://www.flayrah.com/7631/review-pok%C3%A9mon-detective-pikachu
1) My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Sad to see this end after so many amazing adventures. This season had its share of amazing episodes and moments. I ranked all the season 9 episodes here: https://www.flayrah.com/7831/ranked-all-season-9-episodes-my-little-pony-friends...
1) Housepets
Perennially up for nomination and for a good reason. I've been reading it for years and have always enjoyed it. Well, except for the Spot sections. I usually just skip those.
1) Flayrah
Obviously! The best furry magazine out there. Certainly no bias here. :)
1) Inkbunny
It might lack the extra features that SoFurry has but Inkbunny is a solid website with great performance. If only it didn't have such restrictive rules on subject matter...
2) Wikifur
Very useful when one needs to easily find information on furry topics like conventions and websites. The articles are important to the fandom but unlikely to be accepted in the standard Wikipedia.
3) e621
I like this as a way to find new artwork and I really appreciate how well tagged it is. It's far more complete than many other sites. Not so much a fan of the latest update which brings in a bunch of silly things like the default blocklist with, I guess, a fairly arbitrary selection and odd restrictions if one doesn't have an account.
Just as a final comment, I'm a bit surprised that Alectorfencer's Haunter of Dreams didn't make it onto the list. It was released last year and is absolutely beautiful. It's also available digitally for free for a limited time: https://gumroad.com/l/haunter
"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~
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