Rhinos in the desert
Posted by MelSkunk (Melissa Drake) on Thu 18 Apr 2002 - 14:12
You think wearing a costume is hot for a few hours at a convention? Try running a 140 mile long desert marathon in one. Since they went to all this trouble, please consider helping Save the Rhino.
About the author
MelSkunk (Melissa Drake) — read stories — contact (login required)a student and Skunk from Toronto, ON, interested in writting, art, classic cars and animals
A very nice story about using your suit for good. That and the quote " It must have been demoralising being passed by a rhino " makes this one a keeper.
Being -passed- by a rhino?
I take it you saw Ace Ventura 2.
Of course, that scene was with a mechanical rhino, but...
Smile! The world could use another happy person.
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