Daily Fail: Daily Mail's thirsty sensationalist headline gets basic furry fact wrong
Harbour City Furcon, based out of Sydney, Australia is a healthy yet small furry gathering of 300 people. However, despite the smaller size, over the weekend of its operation it created quite a media stir. One article by the Daily Mail’s Holly Hales shows a quite embarrassing blunder in its haste to attract an audience utilizing a hyper-sexualized headline. In the midst of orgy allegations, they destroyed any credibility of expertise on the matter being discussed by stating that the Sydney furry convention was the largest gathering of the fandom down under.
Innocent cosplayers who love dressing up as animals or deviant sex cult? 'Furries' in colourful costumes defend their pastime while gathering at Harbour City Fur Con
- Furry fanatics have descended on Sydney as part of the fan culture's largest annual gathering down under
- The Harbour City Fur Con convention sees people splash thousands on cartoon-inspired animal suits
- However, the fandom has often drawn criticism for its sexual component which includes allegations of orgies
For those furries wishing to visit the outback, it is important to note that this bullet point is factually incorrect by a factor of a hundred percent. In 2018, the Harbour City convention had sold out at its attendance cap of 300. Meanwhile, the Gold Coast, which is a 9 hour drive north of Sydney, holds the furry convention Furry DownUnder (shorted as FurDU) in the springtime. The attendance for this convention in 2018 was double that of the Syndey gathering this year at 600 attendees.
In addition to this, Gold Coast hosts a second furry convention in the fall called “NeonFur” making it one of the few cities in the world to host multiple furry conventions in a year. The attendance for NeonFur in 2017 was 162. Therefore if you’re a furry looking to move into Australia, proximity to this Northeastern coastal city would be at a premium.
The error has not yet been redacted by the UK-based paper, or their Australian correspondent. However, it can be discerned that if they can’t get basic facts right, it certainly makes their sensationalist claims hold far less water. Perhaps instead of worrying about what private citizens are doing in their bedrooms, the press should be more worried about if their own peers are shagging over their consumers by giving them inaccurate information.

About the author
Sonious (Tantroo McNally) — read stories — contact (login required)a project coordinator and Kangaroo from CheektRoowaga, NY, interested in video games, current events, politics, writing and finance
Fuck The Daily Mail.
The third bullet point is totally correct, though; their have been allegations of orgies.
I have seen evidence of people trying to start orgies at various furry conventions during my time on sites like PoE/CYD, but it usually ended up not happening or maybe a threesome at most; people just weren't interested (and while some of the "attempts" seemed legit, most were obviously trolling).
The really weird part is even in the "real" cases, they definitely weren't fursuit orgies trying to be started; I mean, honestly, group sex is perhaps the only "fetish" more vanilla than cartoon porn, so honestly if you're going to spend hundreds of dollars to attend a furry convention half way across the world to have sex not in a fursuit, you're doing it wrong.
Probably the writer hasn't had any furry exposure since the CSI episode with a headline like that.
I'm a different furry with different opinions.
Debut Album out now go stream it plz
Let's be honest, furry articles in the news are more often wrong than right. Still, basic mistakes like that are especially frustrating because its so easy to check. It just means that no one cares to actually fact check their articles.
Although, if we're talking about the media, I do want to mention that some South African furs got some pretty positive media attention recently. Here's the short article and two interviews which were conducted live on the radio. (Kind of a mix of English and Afrikaans is spoken but most can still be
"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~
You could always make an article about your experiences with said gathering as well if you have time to or had anything to add that those articles did not.
I wrote about one of the early incarnations but I wasn't at this one. I was on the other side of the world at Lakeside Furs. The two conventions overlapped and flying back to South Africa is long and expensive. The South Afrifur convention seems to be going pretty well though so I'll probably visit whenever I'm back in the country.
"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~
So you stay in Austia mostly now then?
Basically exclusively. I've just gone back once a year, usually to spend Christmas/New Year with the family.
"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~
It sounds like Daily Mail piece is sole based on a similar bad Australian news source.
and associated linked.
The story includes the Nazi Furs /alt-furry hysteria based on patches form of Reductio ad Hitlerum.
This is is another issue all together.
With such poor research, they'll never get into the orgies undercover.
Now I'm remembering an early SCTV sketch with Harold Ramis as a "plainclothes mountie" - instead of the red uniform and hat, he dresses normally... but rides around on a horse and tries to pretend (badly) that he wants to buy drugs. "I got plenty of bread, man!"
At this point anything but allegations of orgies would be more entertaining in an article of the sort.
Top Five Allegations of a Furry Convention I'd Enjoy Reading About:
- Someone dressed in a Trump fursuit with a MAGA hat stays in character throughout the con, despite disapproving looks
- Guest of Honor had no idea why he was invited, is brought & informed on the spot
- Journalist finds out he likes furry porn more than he thought, praises artistry in detail in mainstream publication
- Japanese in Godzilla-like armored cosplay destroys hotel entrance, claims to fit with the con's theme of the year
- Underaged visitor reaches enlightenment, purpose in life revealed to him at Frankenfursuit competition
"- Someone dressed in a Trump fursuit with a MAGA hat stays in character throughout the con, despite disapproving looks"
Don't give me ideas. Maybe MUGA. Acton is over embellished conservative caricature even through he would have problems with Trump view on illegal migration. Acton supports Open migration. Original created Acton for political satire.
"- Guest of Honor had no idea why he was invited, is brought & informed on the spot"
This happens lot with panelist at Orycon, a science fiction convention.
Yeah. The British tabloids aren't exactly known for factual reporting, unfortunately. Thy're nothing more than populist opinion pieces designed to please their reader base's sensationalist appetite.
The irony is LondonFurs annually holds two day-long furry parties with attendance in the hundreds and a boat party on the Thames the day before, plus ~100+ furmeets with hour-long fursuit walks every three weeks. I guess everything seems bigger further off.
They say "deviant sex cult" as if there's something wrong with that...
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