U.S. Library of Congress created two furry subject headings in 2017
When you look up library books on a computer, typically you get a description that goes something like this:
Title: | Out of position |
Author: | Gold, Kyell |
Publisher: | St. Paul, Minn. : Sofawolf Press, 2014. |
Description: | viii, 324 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. |
ISBN: | 9780979149696 |
Subjects: | Anthropomorphism--Fiction. Tiger--Fiction. Foxes--Fiction. Gay college students--Fiction. Football players--Fiction. |
In the Subjects section, the first word or phrase in each of those lines is called a subject heading. The example above has five of them: Tiger, Foxes, and so on.
Subject headings are really useful for understanding what a book is about, especially if the title is artistically vague. A book with the title "High hopes" would be more meaningful if you knew the subject was "Mountaineers--Biography" or "Marijuana--Therapeutic use".
Ok, so what? Well, librarians aren't allowed to write whatever they want in the Subject section. Otherwise an angry, insane librarian would put in something like "AUUUUGH BEES". Instead, the Subject section is based on a "controlled vocabulary" of pre-approved words, usually from a list called the Library of Congress Subject Headings (or LCSH for short). It's a huge list, and allows librarians to build more meaningful subjects by adding suffixes like "--Fiction" or "--History--20th century".
Some subject headings are extremely specific, like "Bat-compatible mine gates". Some are general and vague, like "Interpersonal relations". Some are next to impossible to guess unless you already know they're in the list, like "Generative organs, Male".
Of course, as time goes on, the LCSH gets changed. Subjects get added or updated. I don't know how this is done - probably by a committee somewhere. Their decisions are sometimes quickly applied, or can be excruciatingly slow. For example, if you wanted to look up books about cooking, would you have used the term "Cookery"? Probably not. The LCSH didn't update the term to "Cooking" until 2010.
Now the headline should make more sense. Two furry subject headings were created in 2017! I was able to find a list of references that were used as proofs of validity:
The first one, Furry fandom (Subculture), was based on five references:
- Fred Patten's Furry fandom conventions book ("An adult social group interested in anthropomorphic animals in art, literature and culture"),
- The Fursonas documentary ("This documentary transcends its bizarre premise to tell a universal story of identity and community"),
- The Furries among us essays from Thurston Howl Publications,
- A thesis at San Francisco State University in 2013 by Sarah Marie Henry, Furries, fans and feminism: querying and queering the furry fandom,
- And a thesis at Texas State University in 2012 by Sherry A. Jeansonne, Breaking down stereotypes: a look at the performance of self-identity within the furry community ("The furry fandom has recently gained considerable exposure in the mass media").
If you look up "Furry fandom" in LCSH, you can see other subcultures are in there too, including gay culture, goths, mods, punks, rockers, and steampunk.
The second subject heading is Furries. It had some of the same references, as well as:
- The 2014 how-to-draw book, Furries furever ("Draw fascinating furries! There's so much to explore in the world of furries, from flamboyant costumes to spectacular hair styles to unforgettable expressions and poses"),
- And a 2009 BBC article, Who are the furries? ("Furries are people who have a fascination with anthropomorphic animals. These are animals that are given human traits, like walking and talking. They can be anything from cartoons characters like Bugs Bunny to computer game personalities like Pokemon ... Some furries assume animal traits - known as zoomorphism - and identify strongly with certain species. This can range from adopting an online persona to wearing a tail or full-sized fur suits").
In LCSH, "Furries" is a sub-category of "Fans (Persons)"; it's listed alongside comic book fans, music fans, science fiction fans, and sports spectators. You may think that "Furries" sounds semantically confusing. Couldn't it apply to furry fans as well as to furry characters that fans create? It'll probably get used in both contexts! Librarians can be very anal or very flexible. Uhhh - to details, I mean. For example, the LCSH entry for "Anthropomorphism" seems to have originally been meant in a narrow religious sense, but since then, many librarians have used it to describe a much broader range of books.
All right! So now what? Well, the bad news is, anything furry that's already in a library's computer system... probably won't get retroactively edited to include the new subject headings. If an older book gets released in a new edition, chances are a lazy librarian will simply copy and paste the old headings. Still, if a librarian is in a good mood and has some spare time (ha!), then yes, they might update an individual record they come across.
And what about new books? Well, it depends on a librarian knowing that the subject headings exist! LCSH created them last year, and I only found out about them yesterday, accidentally, while I was looking up something on sports fans.
When I say "books", I'm over-simplifying. A library's computer system can include records for DVDs, web pages, e-books, streaming videos, academic magazine articles... all sorts of things. Has anything been given the new subject headings? Yes! Not much (yet) - Here are some that I found after a quick search. (I was in a hurry though, so I wasn't able to get the details.)
- The 1990s furry zine Yarf!.
- Cairyn's three-volume 2001 novel Khiray of the river.
- The web page for Australia's FurDU convention.
- A critique of FurScience's research in 2011 in an article called "Furries and the limits of species identity disorder: a response to Gerbasi et al."
- Fred Patten's Already among us: an anthropomorphic anthology (2012).
- A 2016 thesis by Dustin Fleener at the University of Idaho, You take my paw and I'll take your hand.
- Joe Strike's Furry nation.
- Another thesis (?) - possibly at Chapman University in 2017 by Cory Rasmussen, Ink, lyrics, & fur.
- A manga series, Kigurumi guardians.
Anyway, this LCSH thing probably won't have a big effect on the fandom, but I'm happy that it showed up. However - if you're a furry author, and if you're working with a publisher, find out if the publisher creates any CIP data before the book comes out. If they do, ask to speak to their cataloging person, and insist that they try to include one of the new subject headings in the book's description!
Update: Thanks to a tip from @Violetbfox, we can thank librarian Netanel Ganin for having put in the proposals for both headings!
I'll close this off with one of my favorite panels from J.P. Morgan's Fission Chicken comics:

Fission Chicken was a great comic. R.I.P. J.P.
That's pretty cool to hear about!
"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~
For those who were wondering,
Library of Congress pages for these new subject headings are currently at :
a) http://id.loc.gov/authorities/subjects/sh2017003411.html :
furry fandom (subculture)
b) http://id.loc.gov/authorities/subjects/sh2017004178.html : furries
Furry's gone too mainstream, I'm out!
I was a fur before it was cool.
Edit: A fur! Remember; keep furry for the characters, fur for the people.
"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~
Unfortunately, according to the article, the Library of Congress didn't get that memo from Furry Nation
So having furry nation tagged in a way that describes fur fans by the library of congress in a way the book itself was trying to move away from is a tragic irony!
I prefer saying furry fan.
Fur fan sounds like a collector of fur coats.
And "I'm going to see some furs" could sound to some like the speaker is going to look at a selection of animal hair at a hunter's home (or other place with pelts).
Yeah but that's how words work. Some don't make sense out of context and some are used in different ways by different people.
"I just had a fag in the back alley."
Maybe it's an American talking about gay sex, maybe it's a Briton talking about his smoke break.
"We made a fire and burnt a lot of faggots on the weekend."
Someone's either describing a hate crime or using bundles of sticks for firewood.
"You should've tasted that spotted dick I had last night!"
Sexual encounter or British food?
"Janet let me stroke her pussy last night."
Was there some petting or was it heavy petting?
If furs have their own vernacular then is that so terrible?
"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~
Rakuen: "Saying 'furry' for everything is confusing; we should say 'fur' sometimes too."
earthfurst: "Ah, but 'fur' can itself be confusing."
Rakuen: "Well, words are confusing, so who cares."
Me: "Uh, you, two comments above?"
First off: dude, that's weeks ago - get with the times!
Second: I think he was saying it isn't confusing if you're talking to other furs who know the cant. But yeah, it kinda contradicts the argument below. Do we want to be understood by non-fans or not? (I'm fine with not, because PETA picketing a furry convention would be hilarious.)
Um, didn't they do that at Califur last year already?
Allegedly, no? Although it's unclear what they were protesting - a horse-related event? Califur later cited "threats and protests" as the reason for the hotel cancellation. It sounded like it was more the threats and resulting security demands that was the key issue (as was supposedly a factor with RMFC).
These things can be a combination of factors over time. The people who know for sure are the hotel and (maybe) the lead convention staff, neither of which may have wished to tell the whole story.
They aren't telling the whole story and it is a combination of things (may include someone passing away), but one thing is for sure. Being hit with a $24k security cost is top of the list ahead of any others that got worsened by it. That one comes from threats by the nazifurs & their friends and nobody else.
This did make me chuckle but I think you missed the part about context and different groups of people having different terminology. It might not be ideal but nearly all common words have multiple meanings. The problem with fur and furry is that they are ambiguous within the fandom. I don't think people are confusing the adjective form of furry with the noun form of furry and I don't care if non-furs get confused by furry terminology. But I think if we can make a simple change to keep it clear within our own group then it makes sense to do that.
"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~
Wait, who made up this rule?
I've been around for a long, long time and this is the first I've heard this.
Was a suggestion made in the book "Furry Nation" in a way to clarify when you are talking about furry content vs furry fans.
The content is "furry" the content is "furs"
The people are furs... I meant
As Sonious says, It came from Joe Strike's Furry Nation. He had some aesthetic reasons for it as well but the main bonus is that the current usage of furries is ambiguous and people use furs and furries interchangeably. Using furries for furry characters and furs for furry fans removes the ambiguity and makes our language clearer. I would say that is a huge bonus, especially considering how many arguments online are due to small miscommunications.
Also, I know you're probably talking about in the fandom for a long time but I still had to laugh when I saw "Member for 8 hours 14 min."
"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~
Now here's my question; would books with animal casts in general fall under the new furry categories, I.E. most books by Erin Hunter, or would only books with Anthro characters fit, what few and far between exist?
Erin Hunter's Warriors series probably wouldn't get the new subjects, more likely they'd get "Cats--Juvenile Fiction" or "Feral cats--Juvenile Fiction". Subjects are added to be as specific as possible, and if the book's topics are difficult to express, then you add more to get as close as you can.
Talking and/or intelligent animals in children's books are common enough that the species is usually enough. Once you start getting into teen and adult fiction with more serious narratives, if the animal characters are still humanoid and living like people, then you start seeing subjects like in the Kyell Gold example I started with, "Anthropomorphism--Fiction", or now maybe "Furries--Fiction".
Your question brings up an issue that the fandom's debated on-and-off for a long time, though. The fandom tends to throw the word "furry" around a lot, and we generally understand the nuance by context. If I asked "What's a good furry film?" to another furry fan, they'd know I meant films like Zootopia. But if I asked "What's a good furry webcomic?", now we're in debatable territory. Am I asking for "Webcomics drawn by a furry artist", "Webcomics whose content is targeted at furry fandom", or "Webcomics from either inside or outside the fandom that would appeal to furry fans regardless of the intended target audience"?
Another way to look at subject headings... if I did a subject search for "Furries--Fiction", and the computer spit out recommendations on werewolves, Bugs Bunny, and Egyptian gods, that would probably be a misuse of the subject, because I was being very specific and some librarian somewhere was trying to be a bit too helpful. In reality though, the question is whether a librarian who's never heard of the fandom would even know what the terms mean. Generally, a librarian who's unfamiliar with a subject will look up what else it's been used for, and judges whether it would also fit the book they've got. The application of subjects in libraries can be messy and two librarians can easily disagree about them!
Wow. As a librarian (retired), I feel honored to be co-responsible for two new subject headings.
Fred Patten
While looking into this, I found that Flayrah has had its own far more minor impact on the world of serials – it was mentioned in a paper I don't have access to, but its use as an example in the revised ISSN Manual suggests it was to do with recording the presence of a work in two separate forms - in our case, both on both the web as HTML, and in Amazon's own e-Reader format. I knew publishing on the Kindle would pay off! (And filing for an ISSN, natch. Now, if only I could get them to update our record...)
"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~
Oh hey! We got a screenshot too... if only of our CONSER record. I see a tantalising option to register a category...
In a way, they're wrong to say "the title and content are the same on each [syndicated] site", because the syndicated versions (other than Kindle) only contain the lede. However, links in those versions go to the main website, which does have the same content.
After having a chat with a nice fellow at the British Library who moved our ISSNs to the UK (since I'm this side of the pond now), Flayrah and WikiFur have each been reclassified under both furry fandom (subculture) and furries.
Hopefully this makes it easier for future researchers in feminist theory, men's fashion and animal-computer interaction to find what they're looking for. Both headings have fewer than thirty entries; either furries aren't publishing much, or they're not yet well-known
Yup! Thank you Fred! :-)
And when is someone going to reprint Cairyn's "Khiray of the River"? I bought it at one of the early Further Confusions, and I still remember it as an excellent furry novel.
Fred Patten
This can only end in something interesting.
Well, I'll be...
GreenReaper, i am very interesting about it. I know nowdays the furry is too mainstream, but if we saw the history it was made, i read it, from the mascot culture and cartoons in late '70s, as sport mainstream too. Why not use as "adult" anthro books or speaking animal fairy tale books in headings to separate other categories? As in my country in library there type of books as in fantasy headings, as i search it. Not so much books in this type only 18, but i like it. I am very happy this, but not so basic this discriptions?
I am furry for ages, a hobbyist writer and mainstream poet
(2 anthologies i published, both fantasy poems)!The furry categories are still relatively new, and as shown by WikiFur and Flayrah there is no process of automatic reconsideration for older works, so there are many past novels and suchlike that could be included. In addition, they may not yet be known all around the world.
It's not clear to me whether you can just ask at your local library for books to be listed as "furry", but maybe you could ask a local librarian about it? Of course, there is the question about whether the book was intended to be a furry work, or is just of interest to Furries...
If a book is intended for adults, it might have another, separate category as well as the furry or fantasy headings - or else, you could search for fantasy books which are not also children's books.
(Apologies if I did not answer your question, your English was quite hard to understand - if you normally use another language, maybe try writing in that and we can translate from it?)
Thanks it. That's i have to ask.
The categories, it's true, but that's the standard in my country, not separate to furry or fantasy in the search engine of the library, just both. If i read this, i think there are separate categories in LOC, or subcategories as (something)-furry, and that is not in my country's library, but a logical system! That is new and interesting for me! So sorry the wrong or not understandable comment! :(
Sorry the little not so understandable question and my english, my mother language is german, and not use this language to writing for ages. If i translate it to german is good for you? Is it understandable or write it short and logical (my comp battery went off, that's the fast and not so precise writing an ununderstanable question, sorry about it.)
I hope more interesting news from my lovely site! Thanks all! (I like wikifur too)
I went writing for a contest, so not answer to the comment. (Halloween themed)
Sorry about it! Bye and thank's the answer the past and now coms! "hugs all, and said goodbye"
P.s.: I hope it still a good news site, not wrong it! Bye, my last comment now!!!
It'd be fine to use German if it's easier for you - Google Translate is likely to work well enough for us to read what you write. As you say, each country may have its own system of classification - some use several at once for different things. Hopefully your writing challenge goes well!
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