CACE March Progress Report
From Jeff Novotny on "We are now only a little over five months away from CACE, so it's a good time to start with our monthly progress reports. You can look to these progress reports (a tradition we've borrowed from SF conventions) to find out what's new in the last while as well as receive reminders about important dates and information. Remember that our web site is located at if you need more detailed information about anything mentioned here."The most important news this time is directed towards those artists who would like to reserve space in the art show or art shoppe. Reservation forms are now available on-line (in both text or html format) that you can send in to reserve space. You can save on postage by sending these forms in at the same time you send in your pre-registration form. Space is limited and will fill up quickly, so please send in your forms promptly to avoid disappointment. Once no available tables or panels
remain, all remaining requests will be placed on a waiting list. In any case, please send in your reservations requests postmarked by July 15, 2002. Please see for more information about the art show or artshoppe.htm for info about the art shoppe.
As well, information about taxes for artists and dealers is now also available via the art show and art shoppe web pages, as linked above. For Canadian artists, the situation is relatively straightforward. The procedure is also reasonable for artists coming from the United States,
but please contact us ahead of time to expedite your customs clearance.
Right now, we're working on assembling events and programming that you'll be sure to enjoy. Although we can't confirm any details yet, negotiations with professional instructors to lead workshops have been
going well through their initial stages. We'll update you on this issue as soon as we have more information. If you have any suggestions for us, please contact us at Ideas are welcomed, and ideas
with panellists and instructors ready to do them are especially welcomed!
Also, now is a good time to make your hotel reservations. The hotel we're using is not as huge as some others, and CACE is only a few months away, so we recommend that you book early. The convention rate is $125 CDN per night (which works out to approximately $75 to 80 US). You can book rooms at our convention hotel, the Ottawa Courtyard Marriott, by phoning 1-613-241-1000 and mentioning our event code "CEC".
We've had some inquiries about travel from the United States. In general, passage through Customs is not as difficult as it was last autumn, but having a valid passport will speed your clearance into Canada. Creators or dealers bringing in items should see our art show
and art shoppe pages for customs information. Anyone else bringing in a large quantity of items, or items that they feel might need some customs clearance, would be well advised to contact Canadian Customs ahead of
time (please contact us for address information).
For those travelling by car, your main entry points into Canada will be from I-81 (from Central New York and most of the Mid-Atlantic coast), I-87 (Eastern New York through the Adirondacks ... the best route from
New England), via Buffalo/Niagara Falls and the Peace Bridge (from Western New York, Western Pennsylvania, and Ohio), and via Detroit and straight up the 401 (from most of the Mid-West). If you're travelling by
air, there are direct flights from most major Eastern cities, including Boston, New York (La Guardia and Newark), Washington, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis, and Atlanta. Of course, direct
flights are also available from most major Canadian cities, and from London UK. Travellers from other destinations will likely connect via Toronto or one of the American cities listed above.
Remember that if you are travelling from the US, your money will buy you more up here due to the exchange rate. Forms are available from Customs so that you can collect a rebate for federal taxes you'll pay while travelling in Canada. Currency exchange is not a problem; you can either get Canadian currency from your local bank before you leave, or withdraw it from most American bank accounts using an automated bank machine while in Canada.
Look for CACE representatives at other conventions. I'll be at Anime North and Toronto Trek, and a whole bunch of us will be at Anthrocon. Also, you'll be able to pick up CACE fliers at ConFurence (please show your support for the great work Mr. Exline and his crew are doing and
for the Ursa Major awards by attending), and at many SF conventions in the NorthEast.
That's it for this month. We'll be back with another update in April.
Jeff Novotny and the CACE convention committee.

About the author
Aureth — read stories — contact (login required)an agronomist and Cornwuff from Northern Illinois, interested in sf, homebrewing, photography and running
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