Interview with Google Doodle Creator
Posted by Duncan da Husky on Mon 4 Mar 2002 - 13:54
To follow up on an earlier article on Flayrah, the San Francisco Chronicle has an interview with Dennis Hwang, the creator of the cute Google doodles:
During the Olympics, when a speed-skating fox, a bear pushing a curling stone and other cutesy images adorned the "Google" logo on the popular Internet search engine, hundreds of users wrote in to compliment the art department.
That provoked a lot of laughs at Google headquarters, because the "art department" actually is just one guy: Dennis Hwang, a 23-year-old Web programmer who whips up the doodles in his spare time, usually for holidays.

About the author
Duncan da Husky — read stories — contact (login required)a quality engineer from Volo, Illinois
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