Rocko's Modern Life returns with movie: 'Static Cling'
Posted by Sonious (Tantroo McNally) on Thu 20 Jul 2017 - 20:25 — Edited by GreenReaper as of 21:04
The classic Nickelodeon slice-of-life cartoon of a wallaby and his friends returns in 2018 to Nickelodeon with an animated movie. This trailer debuted at the San Diego Comic-Con, and promises to bring the characters from the 1990s into the more modern modern era.

About the author
Sonious (Tantroo McNally) — read stories — contact (login required)a project coordinator and Kangaroo from CheektRoowaga, NY, interested in video games, current events, politics, writing and finance
This is officially the shortest article I have written, you're welcome.
Alright I give up 2017 is too weird for me
Equivamp is triggered.
I think the best part about this article is that we still haven't even acknowledged the Lion King remake outside of a couple Newsbytes, maybe.
I'm happy to see it's return (btw, anyone else see on Twitter the voice actors doing a little skit on a train, replaying a Rocko / Mrs. Bighead sex-line joke from the original show?).
But! But... what I really really prefer seeing is a release of uncensored versions of episodes from the original show. Too many good jokes had been cut out and sent to the memory-hole with all dvd releases so far. Maybe some of the renewed interest in the show will lead to an actual complete release of the show.
Hopefully the movie is welcoming for new viewers too. I know nothing of this show or the characters. Maybe it's cause I was born in the late 90s or cause in Canada the TV stations prioritized Canadian shows. I dunno, but with the fan support being so high I'll give it a shot if I hear good things about it.
I'm a different furry with different opinions.
Debut Album out now go stream it plz
Cannot wait to see those classic characters to type on their smartphones about them hashtags.
Well, I'll be...
It's about time!
This show has always been garbage in my mind so the fact that they're having a hard time making a compelling pitch out of it doesn't surprise me.
I do, however, think that setting it in modern day was probably the funniest decision made here.
I never liked it either but I was pretty fucking pretentious as a kid so I might have to give it another look. I mean if you think it's garbage, it's probably pretty decent.
Actually if you watched the trailer above it's pretty obvious that said video is pretty indicative of the quality of the original show.
And don't act like I don't have great taste in movies. Did you see my top ten of the decade so far list?
Sorry I didn't know you were this prolific internet celebrity with a top-ten list anyone should give a shit about.
I'm most certainly prolific on here given the amount of hype I've received.
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