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Gaming Furever looking for new staff during relaunch

Edited by GreenReaper as of Fri 15 Apr 2016 - 16:47
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StaffInterestApplication_1.pngWe're looking for a select group of staff for the new Gaming Furever. GF has been active in the furry gaming community since 2012, and is looking to revamp its mission and directive over the next few months with a new staff.

The GF staff is a place for driven, fun-loving-yet-serious gamers with an interest in running events, being social, and staying in the know about recent news around the gaming industry, specifically animal/furry related news. Our staff will be a tight-knit team of 3-4 people who will be responsible for contributing their opinions on site decisions, helping plan and staff events over the Internet on Steam or other platforms, and staying active on the site itself. Being visible online is a big plus. We don't want the staff on our site to be invisible, and you'll need to be able to interact with people. This means having a sound mind, and being able to deal with all types of situations and reporting them to upper admins if necessary.

Apply here.

What we are looking for:

  • People who play lots of games
  • People who love keeping up with gaming news
  • People proficient at writing news articles and social networking
  • People who have been on a website staff before (not required)
  • People above the age of 18 (required)

What we are NOT looking for currently:

  • Just streamers
  • Editorial writers
  • Those who just want to be on a website staff to be on a website staff

Again, we are looking for ABOUT 3-4 people. This is a very small number compared to the past, and we are not trying to take over the world with our new mission. It is a targeted approach to try to bring people together to make memories of games as a fandom and inform our visitors about new furry-related gaming news. That's the mission. Let's do it, together.


Your rating: None Average: 2.3 (6 votes)

Meh. Not content I think is appropriate. This is news, a review, an opinion or "high-quality" fiction, as per Flayrah guidelines. It is an advertisement, which I would think falls under promotion on the list of things Flayrah doesn't want. It's not the first time I've seen some strange things getting through so I'm curious if Flayrah's guidelines are changing or if this was a paid-for ad. Cause at the moment the about page says, "Flayrah isn't a good place for unfiltered promotion – if you want that, buy an ad."

Also, the logo looks like it's a copy of the SoFurry logo.

"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~

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Definitely didn't pay for this, but I run GF and we attempt to bring gaming news related to furry interests like indie games or the quality of big-budget furry-esque titles to light. So, in turn, for helping supply this news to sites like Flayrah, I see this little plug as a helping hand to try and drive more content to this site and others in the future.

My two cents. :3

P.S. The logo isn't a copy of the SoFurry logo, because I personally dislike the SoFurry logo. :P No foxbutts involved here. Fox tails are fox tails. X3

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I've got no problem with a furry gaming site or furry gaming news or whatever. But I question the editorial decisions that lead Flayrah publishing adverts/promotion that seems to go against their own guidelines. It's not the first time it's happened.

"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~

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What's the difference between ads/promotion and news, if it's noncommercial and on behalf of a community? We see a lot about FurAffinity and others... as far as I can tell, GF says it's a community and doesn't operate for profit (let JoJo correct that if it's different.) Another headline could have been just "GF temporarily closed", but this one has a bit more reason for a non-member to notice it.

I do like knowing this site exists and wouldn't notice otherwise. I don't do anything with gaming and my "furry news" blog has hosted I think one game review ever, so it fills a gap for a sizeable section of fandom.

JoJo has several other stories, they do promote his site, but they don't appeal for money and have good ratings.

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We are non-profit as far as we have taken maybe...three? Advertising slots over the years and that was just to cover hosting costs (well not enough to cover them get the point. XD)

I, too, find that there is a huge gap in the furry gaming scene/community, and thus why I made this site. Trying to rework it to best fit the community at large with the time I have now and I am trying to promote it where I can without being annoying. :3 I think this is indeed "furry food for thought" as the tagline suggests!

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We've been running articles about Gaming Furever submitted by JoJoJoshua since day one.

I don't know what crawled up your butt this time, Rakuen.

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:O things crawl up butts in this website? I might reconsider my regular visits :c

Your rating: None Average: 3 (4 votes)

Well, this is a furry website; I mean, a sizable portion of our readership are members of the furry fandom for the opportunity of having new and interesting things up their butts.

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If anyone wants reviews of those new and interesting things, send me promotional copies.

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Well, I don't think it provides news and last I checked this wasn't a furry Craigslist. The other articles provide news that could be of general interest.

"Fortunately, "furry journalism site looking to recruit staff for relaunch" is a perfectly appropriate topic."

That could be but I see a distinction between reporting on a furry site looking to recruit staff and the actual attempt to recruit staff. But maybe that's just me.

But again, like with FurTrax, you've got an article written by someone with a vested interest in the content and no disclaimer. Even if it's clear by the wording it should be stated outright. To me this is just like "sponsored content" which is nothing more than advertising pretending to be objective commentary. Surely if Microsoft authored a positive review of Windows 10 and submitted it to a computer site but no mention was made that the post was by Microsoft you would find that a bit disingenuous?

"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~

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Nobody got paid, Rakuen. Green Reaper didn't get paid; I didn't get paid. Nobody got paid. Gaming Furever didn't pay us to run this; that's not how Flayrah works. If you don't think it's news, that's nice, and you're entitled to your opinion, and all, but please don't accuse your fellow contributors and editors of some money-making scheme just because you don't like the article. Just hit one star and get on with your life like a normal person; don't create conspiracy theories in the comments, please.

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I never said anyone got paid.

"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~

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You sure about that?

... so I'm curious if ... this was a paid-for ad.

Perhaps this could be best described as implying. But you implied the crap out of it.

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It was a question. Because this reads to me like promotion and it is a job advertisement. And Flayrah guidelines says that you should buy an ad for promotion. It doesn't say that would be on Flayrah but taking both into account it doesn't seem like an unreasonable question.

"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~

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If this is a job, I can't wait to count all the dollars tucked in my belt.

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Flayrah has made maybe $250 of revenue (not profit) in over five years of operation, which barely covers the cost of hosting and fliers to promote it, let alone anyone's time. It's not a money-spinner. :-)

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How dare you make any kind of money from your time & effort. You should be penniless.

Your rating: None Average: 4.7 (3 votes)

Well if there comes a time to sell out, throw knots on every page and try to sell it to IMVU. If one tactic doesnt work the other will.

Your rating: None Average: 3 (4 votes)

I don't think this is gonna work, Patch, but daddy needs a new pair of shoes!


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I've made $0 and spent probably about $600 on the site. XD

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Gaming Furever has a four-year history of publishing gaming news of interest to furries; it's even in our footer. It doesn't appear to have for-profit motives, though reviewers may get the occasional free game, so I wouldn't use the term "advertisement" - I'd call it an announcement or press release. Flayrah has a tag for those, which was applied.

They are not unusual. The story about the 2015 Ursa Major Award ballot is also an announcement, contains similar links and calls to action, and is posted by a member of the organization concerned. We post convention newsletters, too - though in many cases those are more suitable as newsbytes, or separated into individual topics.

Now… there is a matter of tone. Ideally such releases and newsletters would be fully rewritten in third-person news style by Flayrah's editors with quotes from the release, as well as details from the notice which replaced Gaming Furever's website and background information. As a practical matter, this doesn't always happen, because editors have limited time - but the relevance should always be considered before posting. Fortunately, "furry journalism site looking to recruit staff for relaunch" is a perfectly appropriate topic.

Incidentally, the above notice suggests that the website's historical content will no longer be available after the new version launches. It would be unfortunate if Flayrah's aggregator were the only archive of the site to date. Migration to another CMS would probably not involve hand-coded SQL as was required for Flayrah - there are established plugins to migrate Joomla to Drupal and Wordpress, as well as more general systems like the Drupal 7/8 migration framework, and I'd hope that one of these would be suitable for use.

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The new site is still being built on Joomla and will be pre-populated with new, recent furry gaming news stories when it launches, with an updated feed that should be able to be plugged right in on Flayrah's aggregator. ;) I'll let you know when we relaunch (not with an article) so we can knock it out quick.

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My concern was really more about the old stories that are apparently going away… I'm guessing they had some value to their writers. One of the big reasons I took over Flayrah was to save its archive!

It needn't be a priority, though - assuming you still have the old database around, there should be a way to copy at least the stories out of it at a later date, if you choose to do so.

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Oh yes! We still have everything from the database, of course. Perhaps I'll add the furry gaming news we had before onto the site, but rest assured the content will be there to retrieve whenever I want. Also, writers on the site were informed about needing to save their work ahead of time so nothing was permanently lost.

I cleaned the site out of necessity to get rid of lingering security loopholes related to our last migration. To completely eliminate the problems, I had to cave and not move over anything from the other server, just in case something was injected somewhere deep.

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