Brazilian furry convention to be Abando-ned after 2016
Brazilian furry camping convention Abando is to end after next month's instance, according to a video posted by co-founder Reyres (translated by Puggy):
He basically explains that Abando became somewhat out of hand, it became way too expensive, Abando is a little event, and organized by few people, that do it just because they like it, but these things consume way too much time, effort, and in the case of this one, much, much money, since it requires the rental of an entire nature park, regardless of the places getting sold out or not.
Some of the staff, over the years, had to step out for many reasons; some are getting married, having children, moving away. And taking care of the event is a big task, not to mention that lately, it threatens the financial security of the whole staff.
Founded in 2008, Abando grew rapidly, moving in 2012 to Intervales State Park; but growth slowed, peaking at 73 in 2014. Abando 2016 - "Heroes of Atlantis" - will be held at the Monjolinho school camp in São Pedro over 6-9 February, with guests Tempe O'Kun and Marlon Cores.
While a significant setback, it's not the end for furry events in Brazil; local furry bowling expedition Furboliche comes the Saturday after Abando. Update (7 Feb): And now Brasil FurFest, a hotel-based convention from the same team as Furboliche.

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GreenReaper (Laurence Parry) — read stories — contact (login required)a developer, editor and Kai Norn from London, United Kingdom, interested in wikis and computers
Small fuzzy creature who likes cheese & carrots. Founder of WikiFur, lead admin of Inkbunny, and Editor-in-Chief of Flayrah.
It's very important to add that Abando wasn't little. It was for years the biggest event in Brazil, and for sure, the one with the longest duration: 4 days of camping. Like Oklacon and CampFeral, Abando is expensive due the nature of the business of "going off to camp".
Furboliche, as far as my knowledge goes, it's a few-hours event in a bowling alley, it gathers more people due its convenience and the fact that it's free to enter: aside expenses in a bowling alley, each attendee is responsible to keep track of its expenses. If we consider that, when Abando goes, the Brazilian folks will loose the last long-run convention, and all that will remain are gatherings that happens also in Sao Paulo, as well in other cities in the same fashion.
Furboliche is the biggest event in Brazil, gathered 248 furries in the last october edition and they are intending to announce the first hotel con in Brazil for August 2016.
So Brazilians will still have a furry convention, and in fact, they will have 2 in year 2016.
I tend to disagree with this biased comment. As an open venue, a bowling alley has an in an out of people all the time. By the tone of your comment, you should be part of the team that organize this event. How do you keep track and make the measurements? 250 it's a lot of people for a few hours of bowling.
Also, just look at WikiFur, there are a bunch of other events and gatherings around Brazil and Argentina, it's a bit of rude to state that this called event is "the one" convention for people there.
Hi, I'm Danny, the chairman of Furboliche.
During our events we give to the attendees badges and numbered tickets for our raffle.
In the last event we gave 248 numbers for the raffle.
We count our guests like this.
Plus, you may watch our videos at and check if the numbers seems real or not.
If you look wikifur, you will see that the only ongoing events held in South America are Abando and Furboliche. Argentina and other South American countries does not have big organized events and if they exist, they don't make it known abroad.
To all anonymous here using my name in posts, when I post, I use my name and write my real e-mail.
Greetings from Brazil,
Legal danny, até aqui vc tá
Eu tava quieto no meu canto, vc me convidou pra me unir a discussão.
What about that article in a Lima, Peru newspaper last May about a furmeet held there, that said, “En Latinoamérica, Chile es un pais privilegiado para el ‘furry fandom’.” Does anyone have any idea why Chile should be considered a “privileged country” in furry fandom?
Fred Patten
"Because with all that fur you can keep warm" -is what I would say if I were Danger Dolan.
Hahaha Anon got reckt 8D
Dunno man, when something is sold as perfect and pristine, something fishing is going on under the hood
Look, i dont know them events cuz i dont live in brazil but from what we've seen on the videos this staffs from furboliche really nail it ppl look like they are really having a nice time the places deco & props are well made and lets face it no small event can get 250 ppl out their houses if it sucks specially in a country where it is so hot and ppl are wearing suits there, you gotta give'm credit i guess
Enclosed area, indoor, air conditioning provided by the venue. Kudos to the alley regarding country heat. Kudos to the team regarding the organization to contact the venue and organizing badges and stuff. Also kudos to the Abando organization, keep it running for 9 years in the middle of the wilderness and still have its site full and sold out, guess is not that bad either.
Sold out only for the last editions, from what i've heard. This year it's pretty damn empty.
I shouldn't be feeding a troll, but this article was about the end of Abando, and now there is drama to see which one has more attendance, if that makes a con great. C'mon guys
I've been saying it over and over - although mistakes were made, ppl offended, etc, I don't see the end of Abando as a good thing, fandom-wise. Abando has its own public, and there are ppl who like this kind of activity - going to the woods, getting in touch with nature, etc
However, there's also public for "urban cons". ;)
I haven't seen this much controversy come out of Brazil over an event since the World Cup! But I'm a pretty sheltered Yankee.
Of course, in furry fandom we only cared about the mascot.
Oddly Enough, We haven't seen the Brazilian World Cup Mascot during the games due to a problem that took place between FIFA and the Armadillo Protection Organization, who were responsible to indicate the Armadillo as Brazil's World Cup mascot. The deal is: FIFA, who got 2,4BI dollars as profit, wanted to give 300K dollars during 10 years (that's 30k / year, or 2500 dollars / month) to help preserve the Armadillos, which are endangered in Brazil. That's literally 0.0125% of the profit. Since the Armadillo Protection Organization refused this amount - which they took as an offense, btw - FIFA also removed the mascot from most places. If you notice, it didn't even show up in the World Cup Opening. :/
It didn't indeed. I saw pictures that people burned down one of them. A big one, inflatable, no one inside at least :o)
Yeah, if you take into consideration 300k were not enough to make absolutely any difference in this species' preserving if the amount was given all at once. Divided in 10 years it would be less than meaningless. :/
Crash, in a disclosure to Ash Coyote, gave more details to the closure of Abando being financial. They had rented out spaces in expectation of having around 150 guests and never broke 75.
Ash could use a break herself from getting a hard time for doing work that doesn't make money for people who aren't paying for it.
People always want to give 2 cents without paying a dime. ;p
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