Full version of "Try Everything" from 'Zootopia' released
The much anticipated 'Try Everything' from Disney's upcoming Zootopia has been released in full on Shakira's Vevo. As one can see from the comments, people are pretty excited for this song.
The single is written by Sia Furler, and definitely sounds like it.
Zootopia is coming out soon; so enjoy this song while you wait!
It's too bad they went for a self esteem anthem for this song. With such a wide premise and world they built for Zootopia with all the rich environments and backgrounds, it's too bad we don't hear her name drop animals or anything in the song once. I think it's a big opportunity missed, maybe that's just me.
Let me know what you all think of it!

About the author
Cassidy Civet — read stories — contact (login required)a musician and Malay Civet from Port Moody, interested in music and art!
I'm a female civet! Always down for a chat, but never a cup of coffee. ;3
I am a musician and artist, as I say, a born musician and a living artist!
Cons Attended:
VancouFur 2016/2017/2018/2019/2020
Howloween 2016/2017/2018/2019
Fur-Eh 2017/2018/2019
Further Confusion 2019/2020
Furvana 2019
MFF 2019
TFF 2020
Oh, Internet comments, how I love you.
Ha ha ha ... what?
CassidyTheCivet: "...it's too bad we don't hear her name drop animals or anything in the song once."
Song: "Birds don't just fly // They fall down and get up"
I just find it kinda boring as a song. It's probably better when mixed with some nice visuals but it's the sort of thing I would listen to.
"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~
That might be the worst lyrics Sia has ever written if not one of the worst of all time. X3
It's unfortunate how lifeless the production is for the song. I make music so I'm just baffled at it's limpness. XP
I'm a different furry with different opinions.
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I love it for what I see below on the surface: it emotionally conveys the essentially humanity of the film's story world that no dialogue can do.
After all, an essential thing about being human is a willingness to try to grow, change and become more than your nature. In that regard, this song helps convey that fact to make you feel that the characters of this film in the context of its story are people with their own dreams and voices. That in turn will make the dire peril that Officer Hopps and Nick Wilde discover threatening the city all the more powerful even as you root for those disrespected heroes to stop it.
In short, Furrydom has its anthem.
Pretty sure we already have one of those.
Ah, the furry anthem of ye old 1999
Glad you picked that one and not this
Not The Fox- Ylvis? x3
I'm a different furry with different opinions.
Debut Album out now go stream it plz
I'll just start with...no. XD
The song could've been deeper than the shallow mess it is. While it arguably suits the tone of Judy at the beginning of the movie, that isn't the tone throughout. It heightens, tension happens, etc. All of those things would've been great for songs. Create Something kinda dark or with a hidden meaning complimented by minor chord progression or some off putting instruments. BUT no, they went with self empowerment anthem with percussion over melody. And copy and paste lyrics from Cat posters. This song is a big pile of no. The song could've at the very least been a corny mess for the movie, with animal jokes or whatever, but they just went and made a bland pop song.
Please god don't let this be a furry anthem.
I'm a different furry with different opinions.
Debut Album out now go stream it plz
I agree the song writing misses an opportunity to reference animal idioms, or any other kind really. Doesn't hurt it's purpose as glossy disney music.
It's interesting to think about the mass marketing aspect... idioms translate differently from place to place, and this movie is global-melting-pot to the max with a story about every species sharing a city. It does make me wonder about what storytelling decisions they might have omitted for that purpose. For instance, slow DMV workers are probably universal so making them sloths is funny in any language. But what anthropomorphic situations would not work so well?
I'd say it's self-empowerment vs. Self-esteem. "I'll make mistakes" vs. "Mistakes don't matter."
On the "can music be furry" topic, anyone imagine a "loping beat" fitting an antelope?
It's not a bad generic pop song, it's just generic to an aggravating point when a film promotes itself for being unique. XP
I despise the sloths in the DMV, goes against the film's setting already. The police force is made of strong animals, not just bulls. So why is the DMV full of sloths but not slow animals? XP
Eh, gotta disagree. I literally just got my license and I didn't wait at all. Canada has good service. Everything is automated and quick, so I guess that's just the US making a US joke. XP
True, I mean, I file them all under bad if they're bad but I don't distinguish them often. XP
That's an interesting thought but I think through music you can get a lot across. The best example, though not super furry, is Pink Elephants On Parade from Dumbo. Musically it sounds like an elephant would sound if translated to music and it works. For Nick Wilde, they could do plucky violin to get a sneaky vibe, but alas, that kind of creativity is hard to find these days.
I'm a different furry with different opinions.
Debut Album out now go stream it plz
"For Nick Wilde, they could do plucky violin to get a sneaky vibe, but alas, that kind of creativity is hard to find these days."
I don't think any of the actual movie score has been released, which is being done by Michael Giacchino; I don't think he had anything to do with this song. Maybe they are doing plucky violins for Nick. I don't know. And trailer scores and music scores often differ; Giacchino's score for Jurassic World didn't have that really creepy version of the original John Williams Jurassic Park theme from the trailer.
I actually find your critique of the lack of animal metaphors a little odd; I mean, the movie so far has really doubled down on the whole "animal pun" part of funny animal, so it's nice to have a little break.
Also, for reasons that really don't have much to do with the song, the Gazelle concert scene was one of the visual highlights of the trailer. That and the rhino fist bump were probably my favorite moments.
The song could've been a LITTLE more interesting. XP
I'm a different furry with different opinions.
Debut Album out now go stream it plz
I think director Byron Howard is being a bit too honest on Twitter.
Well hey, Disney made the movie anthro so they could sell toys so I'm not surprised.
I'm a different furry with different opinions.
Debut Album out now go stream it plz
Yes, because they were having so much trouble selling all those human based toys.
Well I would agree that my comment has no basis except for the fact that I have direct word from the director that Disney insisted on the movie being animal.
I'm a different furry with different opinions.
Debut Album out now go stream it plz
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