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Who is best CMC?

Edited as of Tue 12 Apr 2016 - 14:48
Your rating: None Average: 3.5 (6 votes)
Apple Bloom
22% (5 votes)
43% (10 votes)
Sweetie Belle
35% (8 votes)
Votes: 23


Your rating: None Average: 2 (2 votes)

So, anyway, this week, it seemed appropriate to do yet another poll about My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic characters; bare with us, non-fans, but this is actually timely. Not to spoil anything, but if you care about the show, you know what went down last episode, and if you don't care, well, it will take way to long to explain. It's an episode that paid off a five year long plot thread, so it's pretty important to bronies/furry bronies/furries-who-like-MLP:FiM-but-aren't-bronies/whatever. How important was last Saturday's episode's climax? So important, Derpy showed up delivering mail, in uniform, finally confirming years of fan speculation as to her job, and Equestria Daily didn't even notice.

But anyway, last week's character poll saw Donatello becoming the most popular Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle by a wide margin ... of an admittedly small vote pool. The character poll thing isn't doing anymore; I'll have to come up with something else next week.

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Disturbing thought of the day:

According to the rules of MLP:FiM, due to the events of last episode, the CMC's special talent and destiny is to be obsessed with very small children's butts, forever.

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Who says there isn't a grown pony out there without a mark? Probably second class citizens who hide in the shadows in shame after a certain age, but you know, they probably exist.

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I dunno who to choose, they work well together, but I'll show poor Apple Bloom some love.

I have mixed feelings about the episode. I'm glad for them but as talents and cutie marks it was a bit underwhelming.

"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~

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The episode actually had a lot of the problems of the "Magical Mystery Cure" episode where Twilight grew wings and became a princess out of nowhere, down to the way, way, way too many songs strung together; however, I actually liked this episode because it's an event the show built up to for five years. This was always the end game for these three characters; the "and Twilight is a princess" thing was like, "oh, we were building up to that? I guess we were building up to that; little warning next time, guys", so it's not that it was unearned (sure, Twilight deserved something), but it certainly felt unearned (on top of it being kind of a lousy episode). This episode wasn't really much better, but I was still happy with it because I was happy for the characters.

Also, the title was great (second favorite after "Filli Vanilli"); a reference to the Indiana Jones movies. Yeah, Raiders of the Lost Ark is the specific title referenced, but the third movie's subtitle is probably what they were really winking at, if you think about it.

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Whoah, whoah, whoah! Lousy episode? It had a really strong plot device and an excellent song. Maybe we didn't realise she would be a princess but so what? If you always knew what is going to happen it would be predictable and boring. My only problem with that episode was that it was rushed. It would've been better to stretch it to two episodes instead of resolving everything in one song.

For the CMC episode, I liked all the songs. Maybe I'm just a musical-loving kind of guy but I didn't mind at all. I didn't like the way Diamond Tiara changed completely without any previous development. The CMC is also too quick to forgive and forget but I suppose that's an Equestrian issue...

"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~

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Sweetie Belle is frickin' adorable! Who else can burn juice?

But then again, Apple Bloom is a cinnamon roll too pure for this world...

But then Scootaloo has got tons of heart despite her difficulty flying.


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Well here's a weird interaction with the CMC...

"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~

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