Trailer: 'Rock Dog'
So, Disney goes out of there way to advertise the very anthropomorphic nature of next animated movie (you couldn't resist the awful fur pun, could you, Disney? It's okay, we know how it is.), and it turns out everyone and their Rock Dog has chosen to come out with similar movies within months of each other. Rock Dog, though a Chinese production with no American release date (it does have an October 1 Chinese release date), is meant to be the movie that breaks Chinese animation into America.
And it's every bit as anthropomorphic an animal world as Zootopia or Kung Fu Panda 3, and, at the very least, it looks much more promising than Legend of a Rabbit.
Though the production is fully financed by Chinese money, the animation studio and director is American; Ash Brannon, who has co-directing credit on Toy Story 2 and a directing credit on Surf's Up, for which he became an Oscar nominee in the Best Animated Feature category. The English voice cast includes Luke Wilson, who stars as Bodi, the titular Rock Dog, Eddie Izzard, Lewis Black and J.K. Simmons. Recent Best Supporting Actor Oscar winner and yellow peanut M&M Simmons is apparently mandatory in these U.S./China co-productions; he also has an important role in Kung Fu Panda 3.

About the author
crossaffliction (Brendan Kachel) — read stories — contact (login required)a reporter and Red Fox from Hooker, Oklahoma, interested in movies, horror, stand up comedy
Formerly Wichita's only furry comic.
Actually, although "Rock Dog" is being produced with Chinese money for a Chinese release, it's not Chinese animation. It's being produced by Reel FX in Dallas, Texas -- as the Cartoon Brew article says.
Fred Patten
That... looks pretty cool actually. I'd go see it.
"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~
Hmm... I hope this does see a Chinese release (and US in turn). But I fear the story-line itself may be deemed as too 'westernized'. I mean a radio literally falls out of the sky giving the son a dream of being a rock and roll star. Unless the story ends up with tragedy because the young one 'goes astray', I don't see it as something the Chinese government would want to instill in their citizenry.
Especially with the whole other thing I noticed: some mysterious powers at be in the urban area trying to get to the successor of the protector of a more rural province in order to somehow effect the outcome of that province. Kind of screams of the current political situation within China that the government would not want their media addressing (*cough* Tibet *cough*).
...And congratulations roo... you just ruined any chance this film had...
Actually I'm sure if the above is accurate they would have done it regardless of anything I said.
As a starting point that reminds me of The Gods Must Be Crazy. I should probably watch that...
"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~
Another thing I noticed is that the main character is a Tibetan Mastiff. And they're in a fight or something with the wolves! This is very similar to the Tibet situation in China, and how they're trying to be independent. This movie might heavily sensored if they pick up on this.
I'm a different furry with different opinions.
Debut Album out now go stream it plz
I'm actually more interested in seeing this than I am Zootopia.
Ash Brannon's Surf's Up was actually really clever, and, though it was ultimately a thumbs down, I had quite a few nice things to say about ReelFX's Free Birds and, though I haven't seen it, The Book of Life had some positive reviews from critics I respect.
I'm a different furry with different opinions.
Debut Album out now go stream it plz
I think we're having a Zootopia backlash moment.
(Also, apparently the site has decide it hates Anon and non-logged in posters; their comments already look downvoted.)
When we moved to the new server there was a week or so when every comment was being assigned to the same IP address, which apparently got a few downvotes. It's been fixed since the 10th.
Zootopia just bores me, it's not original and the story isn't unique.
I'm a different furry with different opinions.
Debut Album out now go stream it plz
This would sound a lot more reasonable if you weren't commenting on the trailer for Animated Coming of Age Story 75431. It's not an unvalid critique of Zootopia; it's just, well, not very original or unique.
I predict that there will be a thousand furries fapping to that female fox character within hours of release lol
What do you mean within hours of release? This trailer is actually a month old; thousands of furries already have.
"Rock Dog" is Reel FX's third theatrical feature, after "Free Birds" and "The Book of Life". They were both widely distributed throughout the U.S., implying that "Rock Dog" will appear here eventually.
Fred Patten
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