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Furry Awards nomination deadline in one week

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Only one week to the closing of nominations for the first annual Anthropomorphic Literature & Arts of the Year (Ursa Major) Awards. These Awards, for the best in Furry fiction and art of 2001, will be presented at ConFurence 2002 in April 2002. The nominations are open from December 1, 2001 to January 7, 2002. Anyone may nominate up to five nominees in each of the nine categories.

For nominating instructions, including the e.mail and Post Office Box addresses to which nominations should be sent, see this website.

If you would like to nominate but you do not know what is eligible and worthwhile, that site also includes a Recommended List of the best in Furry fiction and art of 2001; usually more titles than five in each category. You may use this List as a memory-jogger for what you liked best during 2001. Or you may nominate anything else that you feel deserves it.

Note: two last-minute additions for the Recommended List have just come in on Dec. 31, in the Best Anthropomorphic Comic Book or Strip category, for the Internet comic strips "Jack", by David Hopkins, and "Living in Greytown", by Dave Kelly. These join the 36 Furry comic strips and ten comic books already on the Recommended List -- and only five of them can get onto the final ballot for the Awards.

Remember, whether you send in your nominations by regular mail or e.mail, the deadline is January 7th. (That is the postmark deadline for regular mail.)


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