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FC2002 Masquerade - Call for Judges

Edited by GreenReaper as of Mon 17 May 2010 - 00:56
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The Further Confusion Masquerade is looking for a small group of experienced fursuiters and furry costumers who will be attending the convention this January and would like to serve on a panel of expert judges to help judge the costume presentation portion of the Masquerade.

There are three separate skill levels that will be judged: Novice, Journeyman, and Master. Awards will be given to First Place and Runner-Up in each skill level as well an overall Best in Show award. The judges will be responsible in choosing which entries win the awards based on overall outward costume appearance.

We're looking to seat a panel of 3 to 5 judges who will represent a diverse cross section of furry costuming in construction style, location, and profession. Each judge will be asked to be totally impartial in their decision as to which costumes they feel excel over the others in each skill level. Additionally, judges on the panel may not have any costumes entered in the masquerade that they have built.

If you know of anyone who might be perfect for the panel, but who may not see this message, please forward this message to them, or send contact information to us.

If you would like to sit on the panel, please send email to the FC Masquerade Director at Please attach a brief description of your experience and prior costuming work. Don't delay! We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Christopher Bochna
FC2002 Masquerade Director


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