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Camp Feral! 2013 - the biggest yet!

Edited by GreenReaper
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Camp Feral!The 16th annual Camp Feral!, a furry summer camp founded in 1998, was just held with the biggest attendance to date. With 135 campers, Feral! surpassed its 2006 record of 132.

A double-header of Uncle Kage and 2 The Ranting Gryphon draw record crowds. More than two-thirds of attendees registered as Sponsor or Patron, with a record number of Patrons (29).

Camp Feral! was the last group to eat in the Main Lodge, a rustic building erected in 1934 that has been the focal point of the camp site since its founding. In 2012, Feral! was last to use the Rec Hall stage before it was torn down to make way for a floor hockey space.

The dates for 2014 are Thursday, August 21st to Monday, August 25th. The theme will be 'Algonquinos.' Typical of Feral!, the theme will be a bizarre mashup of all things high fantasy – from Lord of the Rings to Game of Thrones – with a uniquely 'Feral' twist.


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A group shot of the campers is now available:

Camp Feral! 2013 group shot

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