Furs invited to GaymerX, the first gaming con with a gay twist
GaymerX is the first gaming convention focused on LGBTQ themes for "gaymers", their allies, and geek culture. On August 3–4 GaymerX will bring contests, parties, panels and more to Hotel Kabuki in San Francisco's Japantown.
Panels at the con include Natural Allies: Furries and Gaymers, by Vulpinfox, and a bear drawing panel hosted by Grisser.
Founder and Director of Technology, Andrew Evans, told me:
Creating a safe space for queer geeks and their allies to come together, discuss their geekiness, hang out and feel safe is super important to the community. We felt like the gaming community wasn't doing enough to bring together queer geeks, which is why we're doing GaymerX and built out GaymerConnect. ["A service that allows you to find queer gamers and allies of every identity who play the same games you do."]
Update: Use code GX13FUR by July 26 for a $10 registration discount. [Latte]
Along with positive press, there was a reported threat of protest by anti-gay Westboro Baptist Church (which helped generate positive responses to this author's proposal for a public hug-in.)
GaymerX, previously known as GaymerCon, gained internet fame after their Kickstarter campaign beat a $25,000 goal for a final total of $91,388. Gaymer contributions showed the enthusiasm they they have for their community, which includes a Reddit presence of over 26,000 subscribers to r/gaymers. The organizers are excited to join members from many active regional gaymer communities, including the 600-strong SF Gaymers.
As noted by Badwolf, other queer events have catered to gamers without being devoted to them, notably Atlanta's Outlantacon/Gaylaxicon.

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Patch Packrat — read stories — contact (login required)Fursuiter and unconditional linty hugger
Here's an update from today about the protest threats from WBC.
Further Confusion will be at booth A8 at GaymerX! Come snag a goodie and a fuzzy hug :D
Also, use discount code GX13FUR when registering to get $10 off your badge!
Rarrrgh... how did I miss this!!
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