Antarctic Press seeks funding to 'keep the AC on' after returns
Posted by EarthFurst on Thu 6 Jun 2013 - 05:24 — Edited by GreenReaper
Comic book publisher Antarctic Press, the first publisher of furry anthologies Furrlough and Genus, is running an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign to raise cash to remain in business.
It is always difficult to ask for help, but due to current circumstances, we have incurred over $70,000 in debt and costs from returns.
Antarctic Press expanded into the mass retailer market, but got a bit "hosed" by returns of unsold comics from stores. Contributor perks include wallpaper, comics – some signed – an Indiegogo-only print signed by five artists, and subscriptions of new AP comics.
There are 40 days left in the fundraiser, with $4,667 already pledged; enough to eliminate one of the company's smaller loans.

About the author
EarthFurst — read stories — contact (login required)a Labrador Retriever from Vancouver, Canada, interested in furry and activism etc.
This drives me crazy. They expanded without doing research into what happens when you get returns in the mass market industry. They didn't get "hosed", what they got was a lesson in WHY YOU SHOULD READ THE CONTRACTS and WHY YOU SHOULDN'T IMMEDIATELY SPEND THE MONEY IF YOU HAVE A RETURN PERIOD.
So now us furs are expected to go save another badly run company from itself.
I came in wanting to say:
Do they take their customers for chumps? "Hey guys, we kinda screwed up at running a business, can you please subsidize our mistakes..." (hmm i've heard that somewhere before). A charity campaign for comics? Damn, just declare bankruptcy.
After checking the campaign:
Oh, ok. They're about the farthest thing from a fly by night operation there is in indie comics, longevity wise. The offered perks sound like fair value, not just tokens. And the reason for overextending seems to be the logistical neccessity to print in high volume in the first place- a volume driven gamble beyond simple over-optimism. They got screwed by a wish to work with Wal-mart... hardly known as an indie friendly place. Be careful what you wish for.
I think my first reaction happened because this small article paints a worse picture by being so brief. In general, ^ what the first guy said.
But they DO want us to subsidize their mistakes.
Not only do they want us to subsidize their mistakes, they also want NO OTHER INTERRUPTIONS TO THEIR SCHEDULE. They want to keep spending money and doing all the projects they had and going to all the conventions they go to.
That's not a good business, that's an awful business. When you're in a hole, you STOP DIGGING. These people want to handwave the hole away , and go dig a few new ones!
On the other hand: It's part of a widespread trend of bookstore collapse while Wal Mart dominates. It might be as much about Wal Mart as Antarctic Press. They're mom and pop, and you're telling Mom and Pop they suck for trying to exist. They're not hurting you, though.
They state their case with dignity in the campaign. They're not begging, they're offering comparable value in goods. You don't have to contribute if you don't want to. It may be just business, but then again, it's more than that to it's fans, if fandom isn't owned by corporations.
They have existed since the start of organized furry fandom, and they aren't fly-by-night. They're beholden to fans, artists and employees to keep running, even if it's just personal ties. You can't just stop doing projects and going to conventions without ceasing to exist. You can't expect them to. If they see a way to live, let them try.
PBS runs drives too, but they don't put out material like theirs. You can say private business isn't non-profit, but publishing indie comics isn't a great profit scheme either.
I've seen this done badly, and I'd talk shit about begging and bad business. (Ask me about the business I run, if you care). This doesn't bug me nearly as much as you, though.
Antarctic Press was founded by Ben Dunn in 1984 and its first comic book (not counting "Extremely Silly Comics") was "Mangazine" #1 in August 1985. Its first Furry story was the first "Mighty Tiny" story in "Mangazine" #3 in July 1986. When did organized Furry fandom as opposed to unorganized Furry fandom start? "Rowrbrazzle" started in February 1984, and the first Furry Party was held at Westercon 39 in San Diego, also in July 1986. Yes, I'd say that you could make a case for Antarctic Press having started at the same time as Furry fandom. But can we forgive them for having jettisoned Furry comics in 1997?
Fred Patten
I dunno Fred... you tell us when organized Furry fandom started... I'd say "the mid-late 80's" :)
Why were their furry titles canceled? Is there a story behind that?
Call the Wayback Machine... If I remember correctly, Elin Winkler was Antarctic Press' editor of "Furrlough" and "Genus", its two regular Furry comics going into 1997. Antarctic had a hit in its "Gold Digger" title, which it did not consider a Furry comic, and it was just developing "Warrior Nun Areala", which it expected to be an even bigger and non-Furry title. "Furrlough" and "Genus" were making a bare profit. Antarctic decided to cancel them to concentrate on "Gold Digger" and "Areala". This would have left Elin Winkler without a job, which she was naturally unhappy about. So Antarctic decided that, instead of canceling "Furrlough" and "Genus", it would give them to Winkler as a going-away present. She started a new company, Radio Comix, for them, and they continued without missing a month.
Fred Patten
Radio Comix?
It's a small world after all... It's a small world after all.
I don't think this kind of story is special to small indie companies that furries like... but the support given by them is. (It happens a lot to indie bands.) I think it's kind of special if any of these companies survive more than a few years. It's not easy to make a living at this stuff.
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