Inkbunny starts v2.0, T-shirt contest to celebrate 3rd year
Inkbunny is celebrating three years online by announcing a major redevelopment project – and a T-shirt contest.
We want to move to an open source model to get the community involved in extending the capabilities of the site, and so that anyone can easily create their own art/social site.
To do this we are creating the new site engine from the ground up. It will have all the features that people like from Inkbunny v1.0, but will use an established web framework, will have a new and improved interface and will launch with a bunch of new features we've always wanted to see added to the site.
The site, which saw its 300,000th submission this week, was launched in June 2010 after three months of closed testing. Since then, Inkbunny has added various features, including user-suggested keywords, but development has come in bursts due to time constraints.
Inkbunny v2 will be based on Symfony 2, with the goals of attracting external developers and faster releases. The same software is expected to be used within future versions of Drupal, the CMS underlying Flayrah and Anthrocon's website.
The T-shirt competition has fourteen entries so far. The Redbubble shirt sales will supplement donations, which total over $1500 since October. Inkbunny's moderators will select five winning entries on May 3.
Update (May 10): The contest has concluded, after almost 100 entries from 58 artists; the shirts are up on Redbubble.
Due to a tie, six winners were named: ZUdragon, Lunicent, Tricksta, Octamous, Leosaeta and ScarletSeed.

About the author
GreenReaper (Laurence Parry) — read stories — contact (login required)a developer, editor and Kai Norn from London, United Kingdom, interested in wikis and computers
Small fuzzy creature who likes cheese & carrots. Founder of WikiFur, lead admin of Inkbunny, and Editor-in-Chief of Flayrah.
I like the move to open source but I dunno how it'd work in the smaller society that is the furry fandom. It'll be funny though if both SoFurry and Inkbunny can build entire new sites in the time it takes FA to do just minor changes.
"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~
The move to opensource is awesome. Furry has TONS of software engineers just waiting for some good, fun projects to be involved with. :D
Inkbunny used recent donations to upgrade the server (to SSDs in a RAID1 configuration for the database, and 32GB RAM). The results "are impressive".
The contest has concluded, after almost 100 entries from 58 artists; the shirts are up on Redbubble.
Due to a tie, six winners were named: ZUdragon, Lunicent, Tricksta, Octamous, Leosaeta and ScarletSeed.
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