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Adventures in the Ice Age

Edited by GreenReaper as of Fri 11 Jan 2013 - 03:55
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Hey look — we’re back to Free Comic Book Day stuff!  First off, did you know that Ice Age: Continental Drift had the highest world-wide box office take of any animated film in 2012?  Well it did, by a comfortable margin of millions. Now Boom! Studios’ Kaboom! imprint is carrying on the story and the world-famous characters with their offering for Free Comic Book Day, Ice Age: The Hidden Treasure. “When Crash and Eddie hear about a haunted treasure in a place called Bone Valley, they can’t get the idea out of their heads! After convincing Peaches and Sid to join them on their journey, they set off to become treasure hunters…but what surprise awaits them where X marks the spot?” Crash and Eddie are two rather manic opossums, Sid the sloth is their friend, and Peaches the mammoth is their niece.  Yes, it somehow all makes sense! Hidden Treasure was written by Caleb Monroe and illustrated in full color by Shelli Paroline and Braden Lamb.  Remember, Free Comic Book Day is May 4th.

image c. 2013 Boom! Studios


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It's Stimpy's distant ancestor! :D

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