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2012 Recommended Anthropomorphics Reading List: December update

Edited by GreenReaper
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Ursa Major AwardsThe Anthropomorphic Literature and Arts Association, which administers the annual Ursa Major Awards, has updated the 2012 Anthropomorphic Reading List to include the titles recommended by furry fans through the beginning of December. This list is often used by fans to nominate in the next year's Awards.

There is less than one month to add your favorites of the year to the List. All fans are invited to recommend worthwhile anthropomorphic works in eleven categories (motion pictures, dramatic short films or broadcasts, novels, short fiction, other literary works, graphic stories, comic strips, magazines, published illustrations, websites, and games) first published during 2012, if they are not already on the list.

Send in your recommendations. Read the List to see what other fans have recommended. Have you seen all twenty-one published illustrations, for example? What have you been missing?

Nominations for the 2012 Ursa Major Awards, in the same eleven categories, will open on 17 January (the first day of Further Confusion 2013) and will be accepted until 28 February. Don’t miss this opportunity to nominate the titles that you felt have been the best anthropomorphic movies, novels, comic strips and books, websites’ games, etc. of 2012 for the Awards. And don’t forget to vote when the polls open on 15 March.


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I've been really remiss in contributing nominations this year; I'm going to have to see what I can come up during my Christmas break. Probably things that are obscure for most people's tastes, but then hey, that's me. :P

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