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Rabbit Valley call for writer submission for 2013 anthologies

Edited by GreenReaper as of Mon 12 Nov 2012 - 12:01
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Rabbit Valley are looking for authors to submit stories for their ongoing anthology projects. They will be publishing several anthologies in 2013 and need authors to submit stories for review. Check out their submissions page for details.

Listen: Isiah Jacobs interviews Andrew Rabbit about their anthologies [25Mb MP3, 28:13]

There are several themes in the works and more to come:

  • Tricks or Treats: Open now — Closes April 1, 2013 — Theme: Halloween.
  • Pulp! Furry: Open now — Closes May 1, 2013 — Theme: pulp magazine story-style.
  • Urban Knights: Open now — Closes June 1, 2013 — Themes: Secrets, hidden world, risk and magic.
  • Dreams: Open now — Closes June 15, 2013 — Theme: stories about dreams.
  • untitled (predator/prey role reversal) — Opens November 20, 2012.

Rabbit Valley are "are only accepting submissions for anthropomorphic animal based writing at this time."


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That's a lot of stories! Isiah's interview provides many details on the production of anthologies and is worth listening to if you have a half-hour. (For the record, FCN is the 9th largest convention by attendance; Califur is the 10th.)

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Going by the submission guidelines, "Pulp!" and "Urban Knights" are not porn, "Tricks or Treats" is porn (or erotica or whatever it is you tell your mother you write) and "Dreams" is apparently both. The pred/prey is "to be announced" (though I know where I'm putting my money).

So, put that horror story about a masked murdering marten or that bunny based gangster sex parody on the backburner. I guess.

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I'd like to get a story in one of these furry anthologies at some point. At the moment I just don't have the time, and I've kinda lapsed badly on my fictional writing.

"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~

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