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Further Confusion Hotel & San Mateo Marriott Update....

Edited by GreenReaper as of Thu 13 May 2010 - 22:51
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San Mateo Marriott has extended the room block for FurtherConfusion '02. Now you can stay at the host
hotel at con rate starting on January 18 until February 2. Come out to see the Convention and tour around the San Francisco Bay Area for a few days on top of it....

Full announcement is below.

First I would like to take a moment to remember the two managers of the "World Trade Center Marriott" that are still listed as missing, as Mr. J. W. Marriott (jr) stated this morning (9/23) on CNN they took it upon themselves to make sure that all 940 guest rooms and 360 staff were evacuated from the property.

Also, the "Financial Center Marriott" that was thought to be lost, only sustained non-structure damage and Marriott Corp will begin work to repair and re-open.

On to happier news...

San Mateo Marriott has extended the room block for FurtherConfusion '02. Now you can stay at the host hotel at con rate starting on January 18 until February 2. Come out to see the Convention and tour around the San Francisco Bay Area for a few days on top of it.

Also, added recently, by popular demand, a limited run shuttle service between the San Mateo Marriott and the Foster City BridgePointe Shopping Center during the convention. FurtherConfusion is still working out the hours and stops with the San Mateo Marriott.


Further Confusion


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