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Edited by GreenReaper
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Interesting news making the rounds yesterday: Dreamworks Animation have inked a deal with the developer Triple Five to bring a 14-plus acre indoor theme park to Meadowlands, New Jersey. Here’s the scoop: Triple Five (who built the successful Mall of America entertainment complex in Minneapolis, Minnesota) took over the development of a large 5-story shopping and entertainment center complex built near the MetLife Stadium in New Jersey. Originally called Xanadu, the project has remained vacant and un-used since 2009 after having gone way over budget. Now re-named American Dream, the plan is for the new property to include an indoor theme park featuring thrill rides, dark rides, walk-about characters, and shows all based on Dreamworks animated films. The New York Times has the story on-line. The governor of New Jersey was hoping that the project would be complete by early 2014, when Met Life Stadium will be hosting the Superbowl, but for now it’s looking like American Dream won’t open until later that year.

And with that, we’ll see you again after San Diego Comic Con!

image c. 2012 Dreamworks Animation



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DreamWorks-Land: Where stupid, slobbish boys (ie, Po in 'Kung-Fu Panda') are welcome anytime but strong, resourceful women (ie, Susan/Ginormica in 'Monsters vs Aliens') get told to piss off and not come back.

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