What The Fur August 2011 newsletter
This What The Fur newsletter covers 2012 Guest of Honour Karine Charlebois (Kanthara), the convention's theme, estimated dates of 1-3 June and the opening of pre-registration.
What The Fur invites everyone to begin the summer in Montreal at their third annual event. 2011 was apparently just too much fun, and so they have decided to take another run at it and host the event again!
The 2012 Guest of Honour is the amazing Karine Charlebois, also known as Kanthara. She is an accomplished professional artist, having worked on storyboards and graphic novels, most notably Gargoyles: Bad Guys.
The convention committee have decided to take a different approach with the theme this year. No more conflicts. No Pirates and Ninjas. No Zombies overrunning the beautiful island of Montreal. This year, the focus will be on what many furries seem to be: Creatures of the Night.
There have been rumours of another theme, however rest assured that these are only rumours.
Next, the dates. As usual, What The Fur will be held in early June. Due to the unannounced dates of the Formula 1 races, WTF cannot 100 percent guarantee our dates, but at this point in time they can safely say that there is a 98.8 percent chance the convention will be held from the 1st to the 3rd of June 2012. Once those dates are solidified there will be another announcement, as well as an opening of the hotel's room block.
But on a higher note, pre-registration for WTF 2012 is already open! Early Bird Pre-Registration rates will be available from now until January 1st 2012. Regular memberships are currently $35 CDN and Sponsor memberships are $85 CDN.
Visit the website at www.whatthefur.ca for more details and event information.

About the author
Feli (Chris Pilgrim) — read stories — contact (login required)a hot sauce maker, former convention chair, techie, and a listener and rabbit from Montreal, QC, Canada, interested in hot sauce and convention consulting
Feli is a resident of Montreal, originating from Ottawa. He has been an active member of the fandom since the early 90's.
Currently, Feli is the purveyor of hot sauces through his company: Dark Bunny Sauces. Selling online (darkbunny.ca) and at several Canadian conventions. He was the chairperson for What The Fur, a convention that was held in Montreal from 2010 to 2017, and though now retired from conrunning, he will consult if asked.
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