What The Fur posts first Spring newsletter
Posted by Feli (Chris Pilgrim) on Sun 3 Apr 2011 - 16:36 — Edited by GreenReaper as of Wed 27 Jul 2011 - 02:36
With warmer weather in Montreal comes the first Spring newsletter for What The Fur 2011.
Event pre-registration is open until May 29; the Hotel Espresso's reservation deadline is May 6.

About the author
Feli (Chris Pilgrim) — read stories — contact (login required)a hot sauce maker, former convention chair, techie, and a listener and rabbit from Montreal, QC, Canada, interested in hot sauce and convention consulting
Feli is a resident of Montreal, originating from Ottawa. He has been an active member of the fandom since the early 90's.
Currently, Feli is the purveyor of hot sauces through his company: Dark Bunny Sauces. Selling online (darkbunny.ca) and at several Canadian conventions. He was the chairperson for What The Fur, a convention that was held in Montreal from 2010 to 2017, and though now retired from conrunning, he will consult if asked.
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