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Furnal Equinox releases December 2010 newsletter

Edited by GreenReaper as of 20:25
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Furnal Equinox has released its December 2010 newsletter in celebration of the upcoming holiday season.

The December newsletter includes updates on conbook submissions, volunteering and programming, plus a call for furry DJs and an announcement of Furnal Equinox's 2011 charity.

Conbook Submissions
Don’t forget to submit your artwork and stories for our conbook this year... it’s a great opportunity to showcase your work to our attendees! Just make sure they're in before the deadline of February 6, 2011!

Spread Cheer: Be A Volunteer!
We are still looking for volunteers to help the convention run smoothly. No matter how experienced you are, being a volunteer is a great opportunity to get an appreciation of just how much work is needed to put on an event like this one.

We are still looking for panels and panelists for 2011! We'll give you the space, promote your panel and provide you with any materials you need. All you need to do is fill out the panelist form available on our website and let us know what your needs are!

Calling all Furry DJs!
Furnal Equinox is looking to put together some great dances each night of the con, and that means we need DJs! If you like to work up an energetic crowd on the dance floor before you, we want to hear from you no matter what type of music you play!

Our 2011 Charity
Furnal Equinox is pleased to announce its support of the Mississauga Humane Society (MHS) this year. The MHS is an organization completely run by volunteers that strives to find homes for all unwanted animals -- and they do so completely through a network of volunteers and foster homes.

Stay Warm With Us
It's official: we have made our way to FurAffinity! Watch us for uploads of previous and current convention art and pictures as well as other updates.

For the "enhanced" version of the newsletter in PDF format (including a special message from our concom), visit:

Official Furnal Equinox updates can be obtained from FE's website and community forums, and on Twitter at @furnalequinox.


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