ConFuzzled announces 2009 schedule
Residential registration has already opened and nearly sold out, with only 37 “attending only” placements left at time of writing. Compare this to last year, when the last tickets were sold only weeks before the start of the convention. And all these sold before the events schedule is even announced.
The 2009 schedule is much the same as last year, with an opening day barbecue and the new “WikiFur PubQuiz”. One notable change is the Guest of Honour slot, this year occupied by Tabbiefox, and his cartooning workshop. The Furrylimpics is still a large part of the weekend line-up. Timduru’s FursuitTV makes a return too, followed on by QI parody quiz “Furry Interesting”.
One more guest of honour is due to be announced, be sure to get your place if you haven’t already!

About the author
Alexander Grey — read stories — contact (login required)a Fruit bat
Founder, editor-in-chief and tea cosy of the (now defunct) Furtean Times.
A tribute to QI - obviously furries with good comedic tastes.
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