Morphicon August 2010 newsletter
Morphicon's latest newsletter details their End-of-Summer Picnic and the Woollybear Festival.
Morphicon End-of-Summer Picnic
Yes, fellow furs, it is that time of year to once again look forward to the Morphicon picnic. As in previous years, the picnic will be held at Sharon Woods Metro Park, just north-east of Columbus, and on September 4th. While we understand this is Labour Day weekend, we also know it'll be a great excuse for having to take off Friday from work if "necessary"!
Food, of course, will be gratis, however, if there is anything in particular you would like or want to share with the group please feel free to bring it along. Food donations will also be happily accepted. Activities will include all the amenities the park has to offer, with the addition of horseshoes, frisbee, wiffle ball, and Pictionary. Should you have any events you would like to see please let us know.
With the date still a month away we have plenty of time for flexibility. If you would like to bring any food or something else to do, please send an e-mail to publicity @ and we will get back to you. Information and directions to the park can be found here: Sharon Woods Metro Park. See you there!
The Woollybear Festival is Coming!
Vermilion, Ohio is once again preparing for the 38th Annual Woollybear Festival & Parade, the largest one-day gathering in the state! On September 26th, thousands will flock the quaint town of Vermilion, located on the shores of Lake Erie. Events will include the parade, music, games, fair food, and more! For more information on the festival, please see the Woollybear Festival home page.
Morphicon has traditionally played a part in the festivities and would like to do so again this year. If you would like to participate, please send a e-mail to publicity @ so we can get in touch with you and coordinate. Please note, this is a family festival and while ears, tails, and fursuits are welcome, anything stronger than G-rated is highly discouraged.
Calling All Artists
We are always looking for art for various publications we put out. If you have anything you would like to donate, please don't hesitate to let us know. Submissions can always be sent to publicity @ at any time.
Right now, we are requesting art for our Furry Trackers Guide, a booklet for con-goers, showing various locations were one might procure food, access an ATM, etc. The art should reflect this year's theme of Furries in Wonderland, with a focus on a specific section. Please feel free to send any questions and artwork to Lightpaws. We can't guarantee we can use all the art but your contribution will be mentioned nonetheless.
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About the author
Foxx (in a box) — read stories — contact (login required)a parts sales manager and Vulpes Vulpes from Columbus, OH, interested in writing, reading and music
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