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Video: Alpha and Omega trailer

Edited as of Thu 18 Aug 2011 - 16:21
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Alpha and Omega, to be released September 17, tells the story of two wolves of different social status, relocated to Idaho, who must find their way home. [TaniDaReal]

Canine fans hope for an equivalent of The Lion King, but some fear a My Little Wolfie instead.

The film is directed by Anthony Bell (Duckman, Rugrats, The Boondocks) and Ben Gluck (Brother Bear 2).

Producer Richard Rich worked on Disney's 1981 rendition of of The Fox and the Hound, as well as The Black Cauldron, The Swan Princess and The King and I. He's also worked on various educational and religious animated features since the 1990s, including the animated Book of Mormon.


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This looks kinda interesting.

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Actually looks like it would be a good movie. Its a little cliche, what with a girl at the top of the pack (this time literaly) and a boy at the bottom, the guy falls for the girl, girl thinks shes too good for the guy, they end up in some situation where tey have to work together and end up falling in love. and they all live happily ever after.
And along the way is plenty of dirty humor, flying over the heads of the kids, along with bathroom jokes that make the kids laugh at the word "butt".
But overall looks like it could be a great movie in the box office.

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I thought this was a straight-to-DVD release until I heard it was coming in "eye-popping" 3D. Looks rather hackneyed, uninspired. But what's this about an animated Book of Mormon? That sounds like a bitchin' good time!

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Better not go, then - it looks like you already popped one with Avatar . . .

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"two wolves... who must find their way home".... really?!? Seemed to me like ol' Humphrey would have been perfectly happy participating in that "repopulation" program with Kate in Idaho...

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I get the impression the feeling was not mutual - especially as she was betrothed to a wolf from another clan.

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Yes, with the benefits of being an Alpha come the responsibilities, and Kate is no doubt motivated by a sense of loyality for the clan, feels it is her duty to find her way back. (But, no doubt Humphrey's gonna get her in the end!)

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Another Milo and Otis rip off I see... Homeward Bound: the Incredible journey, ect...

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I wanna see that.

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Okay, from the trailer, it looks EPIC.

I vote furry meeting at the theater!

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Also the release date is September 17th. Not October.

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Thanks for the update. Another source gave October 1, but either this was mistaken/outdated or it refers to a more general release.

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Discussion of the film trailer on Planetfurry could be charitably described as skeptical, and that's coming from some pretty big fans of anthro films like Balto, Fantastic Mr. Fox, and any number of Disney films.

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No kidding. I say if it comes out, and doesn't do well, it has the potential to become a cult classic a few years down the road.

Still gonna see it though. :D

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It looks like a fun movie, especially in 3D.

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Wow. This sounds great. Can't wait for it |D
Hopefully it'll released in the same time all over the world.

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Its cool although I dont see anything too special. Its like a rehash from some more familiar animal movies. Bit I think as long as it can be delivered right ill go see it.

BTW Im wondering if the film will be delayed due to Dennis Hoppers recent passing (RIP) since he played a main role in this.

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