All Fur Fun plans one-day event in 2010

Spokane convention All Fur Fun may hold a one-day event this year, according to event organizers Tora Kiyoshi and Moorcat.
The con served almost 200 attendees last year, but fell into debt after several setbacks, including a chandelier accident.
To make matters worse, the US Olympic figure skating tryouts were held in Spokane this year, disrupting hotel bookings.
Current plans are for a one-day event on 15 May, including an art show, after which attendees can participate in the Spokane Lilac Festival Torchlight Parade before returning to the hotel for a party. A full weekend event is expected for 2011.
In related news, proposed Arizonan convention Phoenix Furness looks to be no more, as inquiries on its journal go without official answer.

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GreenReaper (Laurence Parry) — read stories — contact (login required)a developer, editor and Kai Norn from London, United Kingdom, interested in wikis and computers
Small fuzzy creature who likes cheese & carrots. Founder of WikiFur, lead admin of Inkbunny, and Editor-in-Chief of Flayrah.
Something does not add up. How does US Olympic figure skating tryout in January disrupt an event in May. The chandelier accident probably was teh deal killer. I remember Gene at eh Chirman /Board panel at Rainfurrest mention have to smooth things out between teh hotel and AFF.
Ether way I think AFF is on life support and perhaps time to all it a day.
In the thread, Tora Kiyoshi states that hotels were booked "through November". I can only guess that it had a lasting effect, perhaps due to deferring all the bookings that would regularly occur during that period.
Even a small rise in price could make it uneconomical to hold, especially for an event that's on the brink already.
As a former staff member of AFF, I can say the con is no more. Though I cannot say what truly happened since my participation was quite small, for that was being the talent show director. But none the less, AFF has floated away.
I was wondering about that I noted the website has not charged for ages and a now con popping up in Boise in 2012.
Looks like Dilly is also claiming that the con is no more. [tip: RayneVanDunem]
Moorcat still appears somewhat hopeful, but it's clear that it'd need a complete reboot - both in terms of money and staff.
It's sad, as they were picked as successor to ConiFur Northwest's assets only a few years ago.
I struck me as hasty calling All Fur Fun a replacement for ConFur North West especially in the light of Rainfurrest. One problem is Spokane is not a good convention city( my impression of Spokane during AFF 2008). Pehaps the need just to stick to a local Furmeet. Moorcat need to let go.
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