Administrivial Rantings
I'm off to Anthrocon for the next few days. I may check in briefly, I may not. A few things before I go.
Anonymous posting will remain on, as will administrator-privledged logging of IP addresses. I consider this a fair compromise. I reserve the right to moderate these boards. I have never removed a post yet, and hopefully I never will.
People with comments, whether they be good or bad, are always welcome. Look me up at AC, I'll probably have an 'Aureth' name badge on. Constructive comments are preferred, comments in the vein of 'you suck because you still like furry fandom' will be ignored.
I've stated my philosophy publicly before; I believe in building up, not tearing down. Yes, there are a great many things in furry fandom that disturb me quite a bit. I prefer to work on promoting and creating positive things, in an attempt to drown out the negatives. It may not always work, but I would much rather have fun creating things I enjoy, than being a cynical old bastard who gets off on telling people how stupid they are because they like 'furries'.
I've put seven months into this website. I like to think I'm doing something useful, providing something good to the fandom that has provided me with years of entertainment. Yes, is a furry booster site. Slashdot is (was, at least) a linux booster site. Freshmeat is an open source booster site. I don't intend to post article after article about how the fandom is a festering pit of slimy evil fanboys, because I don't see it that way, and that is not the intention of Those of you who want to see this viewpoint championed should go start posting on the Burned Fur webboard, if there still is one. To each his own. As with the great newspapers of the country that often lean towards one political party or the other, tends to lean to those who still enjoy furry fandom.
However, Flayrah still has an open submission queue. I do not approve every article that gets posted; there are three other story editors, and I would like to add one more. The discussion boards remain open, even to anonymous flamers. So, blaze away, folks. I'm curious as to who will try and claim I screw plushies in my fursuit while reading Genus as I paw around communing with my inner wolf spirit, first.

About the author
Aureth — read stories — contact (login required)an agronomist and Cornwuff from Northern Illinois, interested in sf, homebrewing, photography and running
And I want to thank you publically for all the hard work and dedication you have shown to the genre and its clannish denizons by creating Flayrah. You no doubt know that it is impossible to please all the people all of the time. I use Flayrah to keep in touch with the fandom and to know what's happening without having to dip my toes in the Usenet cesspool. Flayrah has always been a fair and balanced board, not tilting to any particular viewpoint while doing a good job of distributing furry and SF information. It has become indespensable to me.
Thank you Aureth, from the bottom of my heart.
Oh, can someone tell me why I cannot login as myself anymore?
-Allen Kitchen (shockwave)
[Just FYI -- I tried to log in, myself. Though it got to my user page, my submission says that my name is 'Anonymous'.]
Aureth, you provide a useful and informative site. I'm grateful for the time that you, Micah, and the other editors put into this site.
You will never satisfy everyone. Some people only want a Flayrah that exactly parallels their own views. Failing that, they would want one free of any controversy.
Life doesn't do that.
Good luck maintaining a balanced viewpoint on this news site, and keep up the good work!
-- Chip_Unicorn
> I don't intend to post article after article about how
> the fandom is a festering pit of slimy evil fanboys...
I don't blame you...that would be like reading
You do an excellent job of reporting news that's worthwhile.
It's nice to get the info, sans flamage :)
- Jack Furlong
aureth wrote this:
Sometimes, one needs to be able to take themselves less seriously - the ability to laugh at one's self, and their subculture, is a mark of maturity and wisdom.
I myself derive great pleasure from mocking and laughing at the same people Shawn Keller laughs at. They're not mocked because they're furries, they're mocked because even within furrydom they're extremists, outcasts and contribute little which is positive. Making a fool of yourself, no matter how good or innocent your intentions are, is grounds for a stern laughing-at.
I have been in furrydom for a pretty long time (compared to most), and in my experience, being polite and trying to "change the fandom" with Positive Karmic Energy(tm) has achieved next to nothing at removing those types. Mocking them openly seems to work a tad better, and perhaps makes people have second thoughts about themselves and the way they appear to others. Perhaps if more people realized that their appearances and behaviour reflected on the group they are a part of, they'd look in a mirror.
- Bobby
I hate you all.
not having as yet participated in any signifigant furry fanac - i've yet to meet anybody face to face - my only contact so far has been online - i can't claim to be anysort of authority - beyond having read what i've read - which personal experience in other contexts tells me is never the whole story - but likewise on the basis of similar observation i would have to say that what "works" has a lot to do with how you define "working". i have no idea if, how, or how much 'the' fandom NEEDS to be 'chainged' - if at all. i think the 'burned furs' are pretty damd silly and self serving but then again i may simply lack a clear perspective on their argument. sure i've seen things that don't turn me on - but so what - diversity being the nature of reality that IS to be expected. it was after all fanatacism that put the evil in midevil and there's no good reason i can see to repeat that kind of error in something we all or mostly all do simply for fun. if somebody wants to 'do the 'nasty' with their plushie on their website' or any other silliness - that's a matter of their own personal taste (or lack of it if you insist) - certainly not mine - but no-one is twisting my arm to obsses on anything i find distasteful - and if anyone else's is ... well i think there's a much bigger problem of too little diversity of what the rest of the world is having beamed at them out there then too little. unity is a powerful force for good. conflict is a powerful force for harm. i think aureth (and others like ch'marr) has the right idea. even if it isn't 'effective' in moving everyone in any one particular direction - or perhaps i should say precisely because it doesn't ... ~;)
stay well and keep doing the wonderful things that you do ... ~;)
Sorry to have missed you at AC. Perhaps I didn't, but did not realize you were Flayrah's moderator. I would have been glad to shake your hand, Aureth. The site is useful, and well-run. Keep going. I am fairly new to Furry, but have beena member of SF fandom for some 25 years now. There will always be twinks and posers, and it's the good works of furs like yourself that keep furs like me coming back.
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