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Who would win this Battle Royale?

Edited by Aureth
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Jack Salem
21% (59 votes)
Fission Chicken
10% (27 votes)
13% (35 votes)
Red Shetland
14% (40 votes)
Savage Squirrel
12% (33 votes)
Beatrix Farmer
14% (38 votes)
17% (47 votes)
Votes: 279


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I like Jack Salem, but he just can't beat perfect Invulnerability.

Beatrix Farmer wins simply by not being touchable by anything.

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Actually, that means she can't lose, but that's not the same as winning...

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Jack would kill everyone, then him and Beatrix would stand there and stare at each other, since she can't be hurt, but she can't hurt him either.

A very boring end.

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Red would likely take both Beatrix and Jack and put them into a small room with no way out and a single donut in the middle. While they may not harm each other physically, mentally is another matter entirely. Either way, both of them would be out of the picture for proper Equine Rule.

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Beatrix Farmer doesn't need to eat and can't taste anything.

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Don't be too sure.No man can hurt Red, but other women can!

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Feren wins just because that is what I vote for every time. :D

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"Fission Chicken" sounds less like a superhero to me and more like an appetizer you could get at your local pub....

"We use them for divine retribution."

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I know who Jack Salem, Red Shetland, and Feren are, but who are the others? I've not heard of them.

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Well, Liska I'm assuming is the fierce vixen from Mynarski Forest, the popular online comic.

Smile! The world could use another happy person.

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Beatrix is absolutely invulnerable for Pete sake!


hurt her!

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Must be a boring character, then.

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Why do you think there hasn't been any new comics about her?

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True, it's mostly sitcom more than heroics. But she's cute in that
loud, magenta supersuit. Taral draws the comic.

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What about Boris the Bear?!

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"Boris? Vhere is Natasha?"
"I ate her, comrade."

"We use them for divine retribution."

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Fission chicken is a superhero who can shoot power rays and fly.
He is also extremely durable, which Jack salem is not.
(Salem'd be toasted if he got close- my guess is, he'd avoid combat with a real superhero because he isn't stupid enough to think he could beat one whose weaknesses he didn't know already.)
Bea is invulnerable- fish could pinball her into a volcano, or contain her within a dumpster or other device- end of fight there.
The rest?

All mortal without special powers that I can recall.
Without special weapons, they wouldn't have much chance.

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