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What things do you buy to get your fix?

Edited by Aureth
Your rating: None
Art 'zines (like Gallery)
5% (5 votes)
Fiction 'zines (like Anthrolations)
3% (3 votes)
Combination 'zines (like Yarf)
11% (10 votes)
Comic books (like Albedo)
18% (17 votes)
Books (like the Pern novels)
12% (11 votes)
Movies (like The Secret of Nimh)
9% (8 votes)
Paper's passe. When can I buy e-zines?
1% (1 vote)
Paper's passe. I get my fix online for free.
32% (29 votes)
9% (8 votes)
Votes: 92


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I disavow all knowledge of the 'Feren' choice. Uhh...Blame Micah. ;)

-Jim, who buys books and fanzines.,

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I understand Feren is in short supply. I'm stocking up now!

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Please pass the Feren.

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I got my Feren yesterday.

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Hmmm.. i don't think paper's pase because i buy it in huge quantities to print out all of the furry stuff i gether from the net!

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Is that the classic 'Feren,' or the new and improved version that is all trendy and such? 'Feren-haight?' I must admit that I've not seen either version in my local five and dime.

-shockwave, feeling silly

Reality is not only stranger than we think, it's stranger than we CAN think!

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I picked up my Feren [classic, of course] at Midwest Furfest last year ;)


feeling sillier

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Shockwave -- There's New Feren, and Classic Feren. I guess it's sort of like Coca-Cola, except I don't rot your teeth.

Jen -- You're scaring the panther, now.


Now available at fine supermarkets everywhere

"We use them for divine retribution."

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Academic note: three of the votes should be counted as just one vote, or maybe a third vote each: since I get my furry fix from three sources and the poll did not give an option to choose more than one item, I voted once for each. I really don't get get my furry stuff from only one source and can not honestly say one outlet is more important than the others.

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