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Furry Fiesta September Newsletter

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Furry Fiesta
February 20 - 22, 2009
Dallas, Texas

1. General Info
2. Registration
3. Guests of Honor
4. Hotel Info
5. Dealer's Room News
6. Con Book
1. General Info

Since this is our first newsletter, here's a quick summary of what this is all about.

Its been four years since there was a furry convention in Texas. As the largest state in the United States with a huge furry population, some of us found this unacceptable!

Then, DRAMA happened! The Dallas Regional Anthropomorphic Meeting Association was formed and Furry Fiesta 2009 was conceived.

Furry Fiesta
February 20 - 22, 2009
Dallas, Texas

2. Registration

Pre-registration is now open!

Please rush on over to and get registered straight away. We need to know how many people are coming in order to plan, especially when it comes to things like how much food to buy for the con suite and such. It'll also give us an accurate idea of how well we're going to do. We're a first year convention, so we can't stress enough how important it is to pre-register and do it as soon as you can.

Pre-registration is only $35 and is available till 1/31/2009. After that, the At-Door cost is still only $40, a steal for a weekend of fun with the events we've lined up.

For those of you willing to lend a helping paw in getting this huge ball rolling, we also have Sponsor and SuperSponsor level memberships.

Sponsor: $75
Sponsors are those people who decide to give a little extra and help us get a bit of a head start on next year.
These valued members will not only receive everything that a regular attending membership would get, but will get their hands on other goodies, including but not limited to a special canvas bag, a convention t-shirt, and a special art print!

SuperSponsor: $120
What would any convention do without their supersponsors? This is for the generous attendees who really want to help to make this year and next extra-special. Super-sponsors will not only receive everything that a regular attending membership AND everything that a sponsor membership would receive, but will receive some extra-special perks as our way of saying thanks! Whether it's dinner with our Guest of Honor, special seating at our organized events, or just the recognition of being one of the people that really help us to shine, our super-sponsors will know just how super we think they are!

3. Guests of Honor

In Texas, we do everything bigger, so even though we're a first-year convention. we've decided that one guest of honor wasn't good enough. So, we have three!


Founder of, the longest-running free web hosting site for furries. Also started FurNation Magazine and FurNation Worlds on Second Life.

Tiffany Ross

Tiffany Ross is our artist guest of honor. Many of you may know her work from her popular web comics Alien Dice, Akaelae, Shivae! and many more.

Sub-Level 03

Our musical guests of honor are the popular band, Sub-Level 03. SL3 have just released their fourth studio album, Undercover. We are proud to boast that Furry Fiesta will be the second stop on their Undercover tour and their first show of 2009.

4. Hotel Info

We've managed to score a beautiful hotel for our first year, and our crack team of negotiators have gotten our attendees a sweet deal on room rates too.

Crowne Plaza Hotel North Dallas - Addison
14315 Midway Road
Addison, TX 75001

Hotel Front Desk: 1-972-980-8877
Hotel Reservations: 1-972-246-6379

Online registration: Reserve Here

Room rates:
$79/night for 1 - 2 people
$89/night for 3 - 4 people
* Limit 4 persons per room

Use group code FES to secure this special convention rate. Please reserve your room early if you plan to attend in order to ensure that you get the convention rate.

5. Dealer's Room News

The response from dealers for our first convention has been phenomenal. Our dealer's room is already full!

Check out the stellar lineup of dealers, from newcomers to old schoolers to fan favorites:

Brian Sutton
Cowtown Country Woodcrafts
Diana Harlan Stein
FurPlanet Comics
Happy Jackal Graphics
Heather Bruton
Michael Angel Pena
Michele Light
Radio Comix
Terrie Smith
White Lightning Productions

We'll have all these artists in the dealer's room and more in the artist's alley. They'll be sketching, selling prints, CDs, etc. If there's a big name artist here you like whom you can never get a sketch from at a big convention, why not pre-register now, give a new convention a shot and have a chance to meet these dealers in a fresh setting.

6. Con Book

Hey you! Yes, you with the pencil and the confused "What do I want to draw today?" look. I've got your answer: Jackalopes

Yes, jackalopes. You want to draw and write about jackalopes and lots of them!

And I'll tell you why. The jackalope is Furry Fiesta's mascot critter and our conbook needs pictures and stories about them. We're also looking for jackalope artwork to scatter around the website, signage around the convention, etc. So get cracking!

That's all for now folks! You'll be hearing more from us soon. For now, go to for more info on our new convention and pre-register, and get ready to join us in 2009!


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I've been trying to experiment with my frat friends and role playing –– things get a little bit crazy after chugging half a beer. I want to know my furry side, but all of my partners are not cutting it (too much frat, not enough cat). Could someone contact me with their info?

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half a beer? also dude wtf this article is from 2008? seriously, How? Why?

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