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Morphicon September 2008 Newsletter

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Morphicon 6: "Inner City Critters" May 15-17, 2009
Holiday Inn Columbus-Worthington, OH
Honoring: Joey Poey

In this issue:
Morphicon Freefall Picnic
New Chair
GOH Selection and 2009 Theme
Morphicon Staff Recruitment Drive!**************************************
Morphicon Freefall Picnic (September 27th, 2008)

This year's annual FREE picnic will be held, as usual, at Sharon Woods
Metro Park. This year we'll be meeting up on September 27th. Morphicon
will be providing the fire, the meat, and the drinks as well as eating
utensils. Feel free to bring some extras like baked beans, or the ever
popular potatoes salad. You don't have to bring anything but yourself
and your appetite. Directions and the park's address are included below. Visit their website here.

We should have a covered shelter, so look for furries with ears and
tails congregating if you're trying to find us. Everyone is welcome at
the annual Morphicon picnic, we've even had a few out of state visitors.
So don't be shy, stop on by!

*Park Directions*

6911 Cleveland Avenue
Westerville, OH 43081

From 270, North on exit 27, Cleveland Avenue exit. Park is on the left in a 1/2 mile

New Chair

For those of you who haven't already heard, Max Goof has stepped down as
the Morphicon Chair. We'd like to send him a big THANK YOU for all his
tireless efforts to keep the convention on track and running smoothly
during his tenure. He'll be dearly missed.

The board has appointed Jewel to fill in his overly large shoes. He
hopes to bring the same service, commitment to quality, and small con
feel to Morphicon this year that you've come to expect.

GOH Selection and 2009 Theme

The Morphicon theme for 2009 is Inner City Critters. We hope to
incorporate some fun events at the convention that represent the diverse
lifestyles of those animals that live in the concrete jungle.

We're also proud to announce that Joey-Poey has accepted our invitation
to be a GoH for Morphicon 2009. Joey fits in nicely with our 2009 theme.
You can see why at his fur affinity page.

Morphicon Staff Recruitment Drive!

Morphicon is growing each and every year, but our staff is only getting
older! We're always looking for new faces, and fresh blood, to flesh out
the ranks. If you're interested in volunteering your time for Morphicon,
we'd like to hear from you. We're tentatively looking for people with
interest in any of the following positions. Staffers receive a free
basic level registration at the convention. No experience is required,
but that's always a plus!

Outreach: Organizing local events, pride parade, picnic, bowling trips,
movie outings, etc.

Publicity: Managing flyer swaps, purchasing ad space, ensuring flyers
are displayed at other furry conventions, and distributing newsletters.

Registration: Processing registrations both at the door and before the
convention, handling cash, handling receipts, working with registration

Treasurer: Handling receipts, writing checks, issuing basic reports on
income and expenses. CPA credentials or real world experience are a big

Don't fret if none of these positions are what you're looking for, but
you're still enthusiastic about helping out with the convention, send an
e-mail to Jewel (chair AT and we'll see what we can do.
We're always interested in hearing from potential volunteers.


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