RainFurrest Semi-Occasional Newsletter for May 2007
Introduction -
I want to introduce you all to RainFurrest, the new Furry Convention for the Pacific Northwest. This convention is being put together by one of the most talented and creative set of convention staffers I have had the pleasure of working with.
This convention is going to be doing some new and innovative things, although it doesn’t show in this newsletter, it is in the works, and will be in succeeding newsletters, so without further delay, may I give you...
August 24th-26th, 2007, Seattle, WA
In This Edition...
Guest of Honor Info
Hotel Info
Con Book Info
Registration Info
Dealers Info
Art Show Info
Events Info
RainFurrest needs you.---
Guest of Honor Information.
We thought this would be a good time to introduce you to our GOH's; we have several this years, each from a different part of fandom.
Artist GOH - Monika Livingstone
Monika is a freelance artist who has done artwork for Albedo, Darkhorse, Marvel, D.C., and Wizards of the Coast, to name a few. She has been doing furry art for many years.
Writer GOH - Phil Geusz
Phil Geusz is a furry author, working mainly in the transformation-story subgenre. He has many published works online as well as on Amazon, most notably the short story A Left-Handed Sword, a furry novelette which was featured on Amazon as an Editor's Choice.
Musical GOH - Alexander James Adams: Faerie-Tale Minstrel
AJ Adams is the heir to Heather Alexander's music and magic. He is a fiery Celtic fiddler with a compelling voice to enchant audiences of all ages.
Fan GOH - Stalking Cat
Stalking Cat grew up in a Native American community composed of people from the Huron and Lakota tribes. He says that his belief in their customs has driven him to transform himself into his totem animal - a tiger. At RainFurrest, he will share with us some of his thoughts about walking the path with your spiritual totem.
Hotel Information
This year, our first year of RainFurrest, we have chosen the luxurious Holiday Inn Seatac Airport hotel. The hotel website can be found at http://www.holiday-inn.com/sea-intlapt
Room Rates
+ Room rate is $99.00 per night.
+ Book your rooms through (800) 465-4329 Just mention RainFurrest when
you call.
Holiday Inn
Seattle-Seatac International Airport
17338 International Blvd
Seattle, WA 98188, United States.
Hotel Front Desk: +1-206-248-1000 | Hotel Fax: +1-206-242-7089
Con Book Information
Our theme this year for RainFurrest is well, The Rainforest, Yeah, we're keeping it simple this first time around. What we're looking for are pictures of furries in the deciduous rainforest! Don't know what a deciduous rainforest (aka temperate rainforest) is, versus the tropical kind? Here are some example pictures:
+ http://ksharra.furcen.org/xtraimages/RF1.jpg
+ http://ksharra.furcen.org/xtraimages/RF2.jpg
+ http://ksharra.furcen.org/xtraimages/RF3.jpg (The guy in the picture is 5'6", for size reference.)
Our mascot is the cougar, but you're also encouraged to draw any of the other animals native to the Pacific Northwest (specifically temperate rainforest) area: black bears, elk, raccoons, river otters, beavers, squirrels, rabbits, marmots, etc... All submissions must be PG-rated (no nudity!).
Please email conbook at rainfurrest.com with your artwork, remember our Con Book is black and white, so line art or grayscale is preferred, and be sure to put your name in the filename when you send it to us, so we know who it's from.
Registration Information
RainFurrest Registration is now open! We have several types of registrations available for purchase, each with its own set of benefits, as outlined on our webpage; we appreciate you joining us, no matter which membership level you choose.
* Attending Member
+ $35 - March 31 - August
+ $40 - At the door
* Sponsor
+ $75 - After March 31st
* Patron
+ $100 - Until March 31st
+ $120 - After March 31st
For more Information Please Visit http://rainfurrest.com/reg.php or go directly to http://rainfurrest.com/convention_master/kiosk/web_reg/ to register.
Dealers Room Information
With such well known dealers as Marci McAdam and Jarlidium Press the RainFurrest Dealers Room is fast shaping up to be the premier furry shopping experience!, We still have plenty of spaces available, for more information please visit..
Art Show
Our Art Show is growing fast, and shaping up to be one of the largest at a furry convention on the west coast, so far it includes such luminaries as...
+ Monika Livingstone
+ Vanessa Pridgen (aka Aaamory)
+ Michele Light
+ K'sharra
+ Dark Natasha
We still have tons of space available, for more information about the Art Show, please visit,
Events Information.
Our Specialty at RainFurrest is events, and we strive to do the best for our attendees giving a lot of general interest programming, things that apply to a large group of people, here is some of what we have in the pipe so far.
Major Events
+ Dances on Friday and Saturday Nights
+ Artist Showdown
+ Fursuit Presentation
+ Fursuit Parade
+ Art Auction
+ Sponsor and Patron Art Show Preview
Suggested Events
+ Second Life - How to build your avatar
+ Second Life - How to build worlds
+ How to build a fursuit head
+ How to build a fursuit
+ Ham radio for furries
+ Ham radio Fox Hunt
+ Fursuit Performing
+ Finding the spirit animal in you
RainFurrest needs you!
We here at RainFurrest are always looking for dedicated people to help run this convention, right now every department still needs staff, for more information, please visit our webpage and select contact us, then select 'Staff' from the drop down menu.
Robert Johnson
"I have always wished for my computer to be as easy to use as my telephone; my wish has come true because I can no longer figure out how to use my telephone"

About the author
AlohaWolf (Robert Johnson) — read stories — contact (login required)a technician and Wolf/Husky/Malamute from Renton, WA
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