RainFurrest Spring 2007 Newsletter
Forwarded for a dear friend of mine who is planning the replacement for Conifur.
His Email is trapa@firstlight.net
Hello everyone,
My name is Trapa, and I'm the co-chair of the RainFurrest convention happening this August in Seattle. My staff and myself have been working extra hard to make sure that this event happens. So we'd like to inform you about our current status.
-- About the con
-- Registration
-- Hotel
-- Staffing
-- Events
-- Dealers Den
-- Art Show
-- Con Book
------ About RainFurrest ------
RainFurrest is a new anthropomorphic con in the Pacific Northwest and will take place from August 24th through the 26th of 2007 at the Holiday Inn. SeaTac RainFurrest will be the most fun and exciting furry convention in the region. So hop in a plane, train, bus, or car and be a part of the fun!
If you're interested in learning more about RainFurrest, please start off by going to http://www.rainfurrest.com/ From there we have several different links that you can use to get in touch with us and ask us questions.
If you have any other questions about anything at all, there are plenty of ways to contact our staff at our site here: http://www.rainfurrest.com/contact.php
We also have forums available on our site for interactive discussion at: http://www.rainfurrest.com/phpbb/
------- Registration ------
You may register online by going to http://www.rainfurrest.org/reg.php and
following the instructions. Payment can be made online with credit card or
Paypal, as well as mailing in a check or money order made out to RainFurrest.
Sorry, Paypal and credit card payment will not be available at the convention.
* Pre-registration prices are $30 for attending until March 31st at which time
the price will increase to $35. Pre-registration will close July 31st.
* Children 10 and under are free when accompanied by an attendee.
* Sponsor registration is $60 until the 31st of March, at which point the
price is $75, and comes with a 11x17 limited edition print by our guest of honor, a ticket to the ice cream social, priority seating and VIP entry to events and a t-shirt.
* Patron membership is $100 until the 31st of March, at which point the price is $120, and it comes with all the benefits of the sponsor registration and dinner with the guest of honor.
------- Hotel ------
We will be holding this convention at the SeaTac Holiday Inn. The hotel is located at 17338 International Blvd, SeaTac, WA 98188. Rooms are $99 per night plus taxes.
For those of you who need to reserve your room, please call 1-800-860-7715 and book your room under the RainFurrest room block. This should get you the $99 a night rate.
-------- Staffing ------
We are still hiring on staff in almost every department, so if you would like to help make this convention a success, please contact us through our website: http://rainfurrest.com/contact.php?contact=Staff
------- Events -------
We have several events planned, such as a Guest of Honor Dinner where you and a few friends (say 50 or so) get to join the guests of honor for a nice catered dinner at the hotel. The tickets to this event are only 15$ and are available when you purchase your membership.
Some of the other events such as a ham radio panel, a fox hunt, etc.
are already being planned, but we are looking for more ideas. What do YOU want to see at a furry convention? For these ideas, please contact us through the website using this link: http://rainfurrest.com/contact.php?contact=Events
------- Dealers Den -------
Our Dealers Den is filling up, so if you'd like to be a dealer at RainFurrest, please be sure to select "Dealer Membership" when you register. When you've finished registering, our Dealer Den lead will get in touch with you. He's away on vacation at the moment so he may or may not get back to you right away. Dealers' registration is $60 and includes both your membership and a table. Extra tables may be purchased separate after our dealers' lead contacts you. You may have up to two assistants, but they must purchase their own membership separately.
------- Art Show -------
The Art Show is now ready to begin accepting panel reservations and answering any questions artists or agents may have. The Artist's Alley will also be operated under the auspice of the Art Show, so any questions about Artist's Alley should also be directed to the Art Show. You can contact the Art Show staff directly at: http://rainfurrest.com/contact.php?contact=Art+Show
------- Con Book -------
We are now taking submissions and fielding questions about the con book. If you're interested in submitting a story or piece of artwork for the con book or would like to advertise in the con book, please contact the Con Book staff using this URL: http://rainfurrest.com/contact.php?contact= Con+Book
-- Gerdazech

About the author
AlohaWolf (Robert Johnson) — read stories — contact (login required)a technician and Wolf/Husky/Malamute from Renton, WA
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