MFM T-shirt Contest and Early Registration Deadline

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Today is the deadline for early registrations - June 1, 2001. All registration forms should be postmarked no later than today and must be received by next week at the latest to be qualified for the early registration discount.

We are pleased to announce that the Mephit Fur Meet 2001 information is now available!
The website has basic information on it and online registration will be available soon. If you have any questions you can email any of the staff noted in the enclosed info.

This year’s Meet will be held August 30th – September 3rd, 2001 in Memphis Tennessee
(The majority of con events will be August 31 – September 3)

Website: (basic website is up, online registration up soon!)

T-shirt Contest:

T-shirt entries can be emailed to either or T-Shirt art should include the text "Mephit Furmeet 5" or "MFM 5" "Memphis, TN". All entries are property of the Mid South and Tennessee Anthropomorphic Arts Association. Contest ends August 1st, 2,001, all entries must be sent and in Mephit Furmeet's possession by July 23rd to ensure that all entries will be uploaded to the website in time for voting. Entries must be in black and white (grayscale will not be accepted). The content must not exceed a PG rating and be skunk themed. All entries can be submitted to Kodian (please include a title for each entry). Email entries should be 800x600 in size at 300dpi. Should you not have the means to email your entry you can mail your entry to our Registration mailing address. Contest winner is determined by popular vote on the furmeet mailing list, The decision of the winning t-shirt entry is final. You may keep your entry for use in your portfolio and promotions, provided that the MST3A may use it in its own promotions.

MFM Chat List:

General chat for those interested in or attending MFM 2001 also for Ride/Roomshares

Con Book Advertisements:

We do accept advertising in the con book, our current rates are $35 for a full page $25 for a half page $15 for a quarter page Advertisements should be in black & white, as that color doesn't convert well for printing. Ads can be either emailed or sent by postal service. Payment would need to be mailed to our registration address. Mephit Furmeet P.O. Box 3664 Champaign, IL 61826. For more information contact Tyger Cowboy at:

Dealer’s Tables:

Dealer’s tables are available at the following prices:
$10 for ½ table, $15 for full table, $20 for full table and ½, $30 for double table. To sign up for tables Payment would need to be mailed to our registration address. Mephit Furmeet P.O. Box 3664 Champaign, IL 61826. For more information contact Takaza Wolf at:

Con Book Story Submissions:

We will have room for a couple stories in this year’s program. So if you would like to submit a story to consideration, please send it toTahamaki at:

Like to do a panel?

MFM still has a few slots open for panels to be held during the Meet weekend. If you would like to submit an idea for a panel you would like to do, email a brief paragraph with your panel name and panel content to Loran at:

Air, Car, Hotel


UNIGLOBE Professional Travel as the "Official MFM Travel Agency", has secured for the Mephit Fur Meet the following discounts, we will also be happy to book travel for any of the attendees. Reservations can be made 8am to 8pm Monday – Thursday, 8am to 6pm on Fri and 10am to 2pm on Sat. By phone: 800-653-6524/314-962-3330 By fax: 314-962-6090 By email


The Official Mephit Fur Meet Hotel is the Holiday Inn Select Memphis Airport. The hotel is please to offer a rate of $89 per night single/double/triple/quad occupancy for the period of August 30th-September 4th. This year to avoid any confusion all reservations must be made through UNIGLOBE Professional Travel to avoid problems that arose last year. To make reservations I can be reached at 314-962-3330, 800-653-6524 or . All reservations must me made through the office to get the MFM discount. The hotel offers a free airport shuttle and is going to offer the reasonably priced buffets to the MFM attendees like we had last year. Any questions about the hotel or accommodations, I would be more than happy to answer!


National Rental Car Systems National will provide MFM attendees a minimum discount of 5% for any rentals used for MFM. To book this discount they should use the discount number of 5435776. National does not charge an additional driver fee for spouses/domestic partners.


Northwest Airlines and Continental Airlines are the official airlines of Mephit Fur Meet. To book your reservations, (internet bookings are not eligible for the discount) call UNIGLOBE Professional Travel at 800-653-6524 or email at and you will receive a 5% discount off the lowest applicable discount fare, including first class, or a 10% discount off full fare unrestricted coach fares, purchased 7 days in advance. An additional 5% discount will apply when tickets are purchased at least 60 days in advance of your travel date. Make sure you mention MFM when you book your reservation.

For more information:

Kodian ( Chair, Dealer's Den )

Loxley ( Co-Chair )

Loran ( Co-Co-Chair, Event Organizer)

PandaGuy ( Fursuit Chair )

Tyger Cowboy (Hotel/Facilities coordinator)

Mailing Address:

Mephit Furmeet
P.O. Box 771803
Memphis, TN 38177-1803


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