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Wolves in Narnia

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The howling of wolves might be something residents of Tuakau, south of Auckland, will have to get used to.

Ten wolves have been brought in from Los Angeles for filming on The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.

The pack, which includes seven males and three females, is being housed at Mark Vette's Animal Rescue.

Two siblings, Ricky and Bob, will play the key characters Maugrim and Vardan.

Production of the film will move south from November 1, when Queenstown, Oamaru and Canterbury will feature.

[Original Article]


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It's been nine years since I read that book. I need to read it again.

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It's been nine years since I read that book. I need to read it again.

There was a set of British live-action films covering the first four books produced in the late '80s that's worth picking up also, if you run into them. They capture a lot of the "high fantasy" atmosphere, and the Aslan puppet is _amazing_.

Dr. Who fans will also get a kick out of "The Silver Chair".

Apparently it was re-released on DVD in 2002.

[ObCaveat about publication order, not chronological order, for the books. I should read them again too.]

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