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Upcoming Comics for November 2004

Edited by crossaffliction as of Sun 25 May 2014 - 23:55
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Doodles sent in his upcoming comics list a while ago, and here it is! "The holiday season is coming, and that means the usual flood of Yule-themed titles from the publishers will be hitting the stands. In addition, there will be tons of expensive trade paperbacks and collections coming out to pop up under the tree or get purchased by that $20 Grandma gave you."pg 23
Usagi Yojimbo #80 - $2.99 - order #SEP040031
In this issue, Usagi must defend an inventor who is inspired by the sketches
from a Italian inventor to build a most unique machine.

pg 28
Kingdom of the Wicked HC - $15.95 - order #SEP040059
This title written by Ian Edginton and drawn by D'Israeli depicts the mental
breakdown of a man who founds a publishing empire based on a handful of
fairy tales told to his children. As stress causes his collapse, he becomes
trapped in dreams of Castrovalva, the fantasy land of his creation, which
has descended into a nightmare of WWI apocalyptic porportions.

pg 84
Teen Titans Go! #13 - $2.25 - order #SEP040348
Beast Boy has to help out a man infected with lycanthropy. Not an IAMS

pg 85
Looney Tunes #120 - $2.25 - order #SEP040349
The whole gang holds a telethon to benefit people with no sense of humor.
Poster child: John Ashcroft.

Scooby-Doo #90 - $2.25 - order #SEP040351
Fred gets a role as a soap opera star, and ends up fathering Thelma's baby.

pg 104
Tom Strong's Terrific Tales #12 - $2.95 - order #SEP040380
This is the final issue of the series, which is too bad. I really enjoyed
the Johnny Future series and I hope that it gets a chance to be in a series
on its own.

pg 105
Wild Girl #1 - $2.95 - order #SEP040381
This six-issue series by Leah More, John Reppion and Shawn McManus tels the
story of 13-year old Rosa Torez, who discovers she's a modern day Dr.
Dolittle and has to choose how her life will go with this ability.

pg 203
Apocalypse Meow Vol.3 TP - $9.99 - order #SEP042286
The final volume of the series has Perky, Rats, and Bota facing off against
even more complex missions, and with players involved from every side of the
Vietnamese conflict. I have the first volume of this series, and it's

pg 252
Sex Squad #2 - $3.75 - order #SEP042504
(ADULTS ONLY) In order to defeat Set, the squad summons Kit-Ra the Cat
Goddess, but now the whole team has to fight off being raped by mummies.
Happens all the time.

pg 300
Krazy & Ignatz 1933-1934 TPB - $14.95 - order #SEP042684
The fifth volume reprinting George Herriman's classic comic strip, "Krazy

pg 304
Mickey's Twice Upon A Christmas Special - $3.95 - order #SEP042722

Walt Disney's Christmas Parade - $8.95 - order #SEP042723

Mickey Mouse & Friends - $2.95 - order #SEP042724

pg 306
Donald Duck Adventures TP - $7.95 - order #SEP042725

Donald Duck & Friends - $2.95 - order #SEP042726

Uncle Scrooge #336 - $6.95 - order #SEP042727

Walt Disney's Comics & Stories - $6.95 - order #SEP042728

pg 322
Tales of Teenage Mutant Turtles #6 - $2.95 - SEP042793

Wild #9 - $3.75 - order #SEP042805
(ADULTS ONLY) Karno, Zeprhey Hughes, and Matt McAndrews all contribute to
this issue, chock fulla spooge.

pg 324
Boneyard #16 - $2.95 - order #SEP042813
Abbey has to find Glump in time to stop the zombies and save Nessie, but the
question is: Is Glump _really_ the one responsible?

pg 329
Furrlough #143 - $3.50 - order #SEP042839
Cover by Dr. Comet, with more of "Claire's Stupid Life," "Tamara the
Barbarian," and other selected shorts.

pg 331
Giant Shanda Animal #9 - $4.99 - order #SEP042857

That's all for this month, see you all in 30!


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