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2004 Recommended Anthropomorphics List

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This is the initial posting of the fourth annual Recommended Anthropomorphics List. It has two purposes. Firstly, it is open for all Furry fans to recommend the best anthropomorphic movies, TV series, novels, artwork, games, etc. that they find during 2004. It is for fans who want to know what Furry movies, TV series, novels, etc. are worth looking for. The List is open to anyone to add to, and it will be updated at least three times before the end of the year. If you find any 2004 Furry movies or comic books or comic strips, etc. that are worth recommending, please send your recommendations through the end of 2004 to:

Fred Patten
11863 West Jefferson Boulevard
Culver City, California 90230-6322

Secondly, this List is to be used as a guide for nominations to the 2004 Ursa Major Award, which will be presented at Anthrocon 2005 for the Best of the calendar year 2004 in the first ten categories. The List was actually started in 2001 as an aid to those fans who said, "The Award sounds like a good idea but I don't have the slightest idea what's eligible to be nominated." Read the List and find out what is eligible for the Best of 2004.

A new category has been added this year: Recommended Anthropomorphic Miscellany. This is for items such as action figures and plush dolls, songs, and other items which do not fit into the existing categories but are still worth recommending. This category will not be included in the Ursa Major Award, due to the inappropriateness of comparing such diverse items for a "best" vote.

Continuing publications such as comic books, comic strips, and fanzines are not carried over from one year to the next. If a favorite comic or fanzine of yours was on last year's List, it must be resubmitted to appear on this year's List.

This Recommended List is posted at This website includes links to as many as possible of the recommendated items that have their own entries on the Internet; so if you want to know more about any of them, you can go right to its site. It also includes the previous Lists, for the benefit of those looking for recommendations of good Furry art & literature since the 21st century started.Recommended Anthropomorphic Motion Picture

1. Clifford's Really Big Movie (Warner Bros., released February 20, 2004)
2. Home on the Range (Disney, April 2, 2004)
3. The Lion King 1 1/2 (Disney, February 10, 2004)
4. Shrek 2 (DreamWorks, May 21, 2004)

Recommended Anthropomorphic Dramatic Series

Recommended Anthropomorphic Novel

1. Garcia, Eric. Hot and Sweaty Rex: A Dinosaur Mafia Mystery. (Villard Books, March 2004)
2. Leonard, Elmore. A Coyote's in the House. (HarperEntertainment, May 2004)
3. Murphy, Shirley Rousseau. Cat Fear No Evil; a Joe Grey Mystery. (HarperCollins Publishers, March 2004)

Recommended Anthropomorphic Short Fiction

1. "Sprinting", by Mick Collins, in Shadows in Snow: Stories from New Tibet, Volume 2, edited by Tim Susman. (Sofawolf Press, January 2004)
2. "Finding Marcus", by Tanya Huff, in Sirius, the Dog Star, edited by Martin H. Greenberg and Alexander Potter. (DAW Books, June 2004)
3. "St. Ailbe's Hall", by Naomi Kritzer, in Strange Horizons, January 19 (Part 1) and January 26 (Part 2), 2004. (
4. "Among the Pack Alone", by Stephen Leigh, in Sirius, the Dog Star, edited by Martin H. Greenberg and Alexander Potter. (DAW Books, June 2004)
5. "Cat 'n' Mouse", by Steven Millhauser, in The New Yorker, April 19 & 26, 2004.

Recommended Anthropomorphic Other Literary Work

1. Luna Incognita, by Alain Ayroles (story) & Jean-Luc Masbou (art). (De Cape et de Crocs, vol. 6) (Delcourt, April 2004; graphic art novel)
2. Arctic Nation, by Juan Diaz Canales (story) & Juanjo Guarnido (art) [English translation]. (Blacksad vol. 2) (iBooks, March 2004; graphic art novel)
3. Code Name: Hunter - Beginnings: Gypsy, by Gyrfalcon (story) & Darc (art). (Dog-Star Studios, May 2004; graphic art novel)
4. FREAKS!: How to Draw Fantastic Fantasy Creatures, by Steve Miller, with Arthur Adams, Brett Booth and Todd Nauck. (Watson-Guptill Publications, June 2004; art instruction book)
5. Shadows in Snow: Stories from New Tibet, Volume 2, edited by Tim Susman. (Sofawolf Press, January 2004; short fiction anthology)

Recommended Anthropomorphic Comic Book

1. Usagi Yojimbo, by Stan Sakai. (Dark Horse, monthly, 2004 issues from v. III #72, January to ?)

Recommended Anthropomorphic Comic Strip

1. Black Tapestries, by Shana Pinkelton. (Internet, Tuesday through Friday, 2004 strips from January 1 through ?)
2. Carried by the Wind, by Brent Bowser. (Internet, approx. twice weekly, 2004 strips from January 5 [#141] to ?)
3. Code Name: Hunter, by Gyrfalcon & Darc Klooster. (Internet, approx. twice weekly, 2004 strips from January 2 [#21] to ?)
4. The Cyantian Chronicles, by Tiffany Ross. (Internet, tri-weekly, 2004 strips from January 2 to ?)
5. Faux Pas, by Robert & Margaret Carspecken. (Internet, tri-weekly, 2004 strips from January 1 to ?)
6. Freefall, by Mark Stanley. (Internet, tri-weekly, 2004 strips from January 2 to ?)
7. Kevin & Kell, by Bill Holbrook. (Internet, daily, 2004 strips from January 1 to ?)
8. Modem Problems, by Matt McAndrews. (Internet, weekly, 2004 strips from January 1 [MPNY2004] to ?)
9. Mullein Fields, by Dennis William Hyer. (Internet, daily, 2004 strips from January 1 to ?)
10. Namir Deiter, by Isabel Marks. (Internet, daily, 2004 strips from January 1 [#595] to ?)
11. Newshounds, by Thomas K. Dye. (Internet, daily, 2004 strips from January 1 to ?)
12. Ozy and Millie, by David Craig Simpson. (Internet, semi-weekly, 2004 strips from January 2 to ?; reprints with extensive new commentary from January 2 to January 21; new strips from January 22 to ?)
13. The Suburban Jungle, starring Tiffany Tiger, by John Robey. (Internet, tri-weekly, 2004 strips from January 5 to ?)
14. Tales of the Questor, by Ralph E. Hayes, Jr. (Internet, weekly, 2004 strips from January 1 to ?)
15. 21st Century Fox, by Scott Kellogg. (Internet, tri-weekly, 2004 strips from January 1 to ?)
16. Unicornography, by Tanamin! (Internet, weekly, 2004 strips from January 1 to ?)
17. VG Cats, by Scott Ramsoomair. (Internet, weekly, 2004 strips from January 4 [#86] to ?)

Recommended Anthropomorphic Fanzine

1. Fur Plus (2004 issues from #20, January, to ?)
2. Fur Visions (2004 issues from #30, January, to ?)
3. Heat (2004 issues from #1 [January], to ?)
4. South Fur Lands (2004 issues from #32, March, to ?)
5. Tales of the Tai-Pan Universe (2004 issues from #35, March, to ?)

Recommended Anthropomorphic Published Illustration

1. Witwer, Hala. Cover painting for Faragon Faringay, by Niel Hancock. Starscape/Tor Books, April 2004.

Recommended Anthropomorphic Game

Recommended Anthropomorphic Miscellany


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