Anthrocon 2004 Conbook Seeks Artwork/Stories. FTP submission available.
Posted by Xydexx Unicorn on Sun 11 Apr 2004 - 09:29
Just a quick reminder that the deadline for the Anthrocon 2004 conbook is less than a month away!The Anthrocon conbook offers a fantastic forum for artists and writers to showcase their talents to their peers. To make contributing artwork to the conbook easier, an FTP site is now available. Our theme this year is "Summer Games." Complete conbook submission guidelines and instructions on how to connect to the FTP site are available by sending an email to Deadline for submissions is April 30, 2004. We look forward to hearing from you! Cordially, Anthrocon Press Services

About the author
Xydexx Unicorn — read stories — contact (login required)an eccentric and inflatable unicorn from Hudson Highlands, NY, interested in recumbent bicycling
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