Yahoo News covers Furry
Posted by Feren (Jason Olsen) on Wed 9 May 2001 - 15:44
Here we go again. Yahoo News has an article titled 'Group Celebrates 'Furry' Lifestyle'. I didn't find it very informative -- it was short and felt stilted. I guess, reading the context around it, that this article is actually an excerpt from a local Ohio TV station (Channel 5) report on fursuiters.

About the author
Feren (Jason Olsen) — read stories — contact (login required)a network engineer and Black panther from Chicago, Illinois, interested in furry literature, art, and camaros
Sometimes network engineer. Sometimes coder. Sometimes ranting editorial writer.
Thanks for the slightly better link! This one has working URLs and a video stream to boot.
"We use them for divine retribution."
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