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Feral! 2004 Information Announced

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Feral! is going back to its roots, August 25-29, 2004 at Camp Arowhon in beautiful Algonquin Provincial Park in Ontario, Canada, where it was held the very first year! Guests of Honour will be Andrew French and Steve Domanski, better known in furry circles as Aethan and Iyu, co-creators of the popular slice-of-life furry comic "Circles". See the first advertisement.Feral! is gearing up for a great year in 2004, following a small but extremely well-received con two weeks ago. The surprise "Furvivor" theme was a huge success. Now that Feral! 2003 is over, Feral! is posting con reports on their website "Scrapbook", so if you're interested to learn more, you will be able to read first-hand accounts there!

Meanwhile, the registration system for next year is already up (even if the website is still under construction), so you can register already, if you like.

The cost of Feral! 2004 will be CA$284, plus $34 to take the Feral! bus from Toronto. If you pay before Oct. 31, 2003, you will save $40 on registration. Pay before May 31, 2004 and you'll still receive $25 off. Presently, only Canadian funds are being accepted; however, non-Canadians can still pay by PayPal, or send a money order in Canadian funds!

There are already around 30 furs signed up, many of whom appear on the "Who's Going" page. It's gonna be a banner year at Feral!


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