Don't miss Uncle Kage at Conifur
Time is running out to reserve your hotel room for Conifur at the discounted rate of only $99 (that's less than half the regular price!). Don't delay! Because you don't want to miss Uncle Kage's Story Hour.
That's right, Conifur is proud to announce that Uncle Kage is bringing his incomparable desertations on his life, the universe, and everything, to the great northwest! Sharp-eyed observers noticed last week the appearance of "Uncle Kage's Story Hour" on the preliminary event schedule. It isn't a mirage! It isn't a cruel joke. No, he's going to take the stage and regale us with his tales of adventure. Or maybe he'll just rant about some of the funnier clueless people he's had to deal with. Either way, it's sure to be a good time!To reserve your hotel room, call Sheraton Tacoma/Tacoma Convention Center at (800) 325-3535, and reserve your room for Conifur today! Mention Conifur Northwest to get the discounted room rate. If you want to try to find someone to share a room we have two solutions for you. You can join the Conifur Northwest Chat List and post your plea for room or riding sharing. Go to to sign up. Or you can join the Puget Sound Furry Guild mailing list, hosted by Conifur, and post your message there. Just click to sign up!
There are only thirteen days remaining to pre-register for Conifur Northwest at the low price of $40! Pre-registration must be received by September 12. You can register for the convention on-line at Conifur Northwest is September 26-28, at the Tacoma Convention Center, in Tacoma, Washington. This year’s guests are “Grrrwolf,” artist extraordinarie, and Chuck Melville, artist, author, and editor.
Conifur needs sponsors! The economy is bad, and everyone, it seems, is tightening their belts, including Conifur. The truth is, we wouldn't be putting on the con at all if not for the much-appreciated donations of a few generous souls. Don't let them shoulder the burder alone! Sponsors receive various goodies (including a free con t-shirt). Don't forget the good karma you gain by helping out a worthy cause. Thanks! For more information, check out our sponsor's page,
There are still dealer's tables available! Reservations and payments are coming in fast, now, so if you haven't reserved your table, do so right away! You can register at the Conifur website. If you have any questions, send them to
The preliminary events schedule, including clinics and panels, is available on the website at
Don't forget to reserve your hotel room. Hotel rooms must be reserved by September 4 to get the discounted rate (that date is set by the hotel, we can't move it!) You can reserve your hotel room at the Sheraton Tacoma/Tacoma Convention Center at (800) 325-3535. Don't forget to mention Conifur to get the discounted room rate!
Gene Breshears,
Publications Coordinator, Conifur Northwest

About the author
GeneBreshears — read stories — contact (login required)a typographer from Seattle, WA, interested in writing, dabbling, publishing, and analyzing
I thought the subject line was "Don't kiss Uncle Kage at Conifur" and thought he'd developed a case of herpies.
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