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Lion Rips Woman's Arm Off

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Source: Lion Rips Woman's Arm Off

MADRID (Reuters) - A lioness in a Spanish animal sanctuary ripped the right arm off a British tourist after the 54-year old woman clambered up a barrier and stuck her fingers inside the cage, local media reported."The lady climbed up the three-meter high barrier...She climbed to the top and stuck her fingers inside the enclosure. Then Martha, one of the lionesses, grabbed her fingers, tugged her in and ripped her arm off," Serafin Domenech, owner of El Arca sanctuary near Alicante in southeast Spain, told state television Wednesday.

Local media said the woman, who had been at the park with a group of other British visitors, was airlifted to a hospital nearby.


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Stupidity still reigns supreme, I see...

Tlaren }:=8}

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Yah, ten to one the poor lion gets blamed...

Smile! The world could use another happy person.

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I'd take those odds...

Tlaren }:=8}

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Someone that stupid'll be back next week to get the other arm seen to ;-)

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Someone that stupid'll be back next week to get the other arm seen to ;-)

No, someone that stupid will sue the zoo for not making the barrier impenetrable.

We can hope, though }:>.

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