Cthulhu Coffee presents its Midwest Furfest 2002 con report
Cthulhu Coffee is a website primarily focused on the horror genre. With such a predilection towards all things Lovecraft you probably wouldn't expect such a site to have much that would interest the Furry fandom. That's where you'd be wrong.
The self-proclaimed "web minion" of Cthulhu Coffee, one Melissa "Chebutykin" Kaercher has made Cthulhu Coffee more than a running gag about an Old One who loves a fresh cup of brew after his Long Sleep. Melissa has long been active in a number of fandoms (hence the diverse appeal of her site) and has made attendance at a number of science fiction and fantasy conventions a regular part of her life. After each con she writes up a lengthy report with humorous anecdotes, awesome inside stories and photographs to break up the lines of text; then she posts it to Cthulhu Coffee as a news item. Her reports are well-balanced and quite entertaining to read. As friends of the Web Minion and people who are involved in the Furry fandom it was exciting for a number of us to find out that Cthulhu Coffee would be making an appearance at this year's Midwest Furfest. What would an admittedly non-furry congoer think of our convention? Given the reputation of the Furry fandom within other fandom circles that she frequented, would we be able to overcome the bad press and rumors to make a positive impression? Ultimately, would she have fun?
Well, we need wonder no longer. "Cthulhu Coffee at Midwest FurFest 2002" has been posted and it would appear the web minion had a blast. Click here to read her tale about tails, ears, art, pocket-sized pocket programs, ranting gryphons, fursuits, neutrally-boyant forks and more.
Additionally, if you didn't think the con report was reason enough to have Cthulhu Coffee on a furry-themed news portal, check out Cthulhu Coffee's journalistic mascot, Cth'Harvey.

About the author
Feren (Jason Olsen) — read stories — contact (login required)a network engineer and Black panther from Chicago, Illinois, interested in furry literature, art, and camaros
Sometimes network engineer. Sometimes coder. Sometimes ranting editorial writer.
Positive Press? NAH! Can't Be!
Then again who is Cthulu to Judge?
This was a fun read! It's always nice to see the perspective of an outsider.
"You know when you're driving down the road on a road trip, and you really really really want to go about fifteen, twenty miles an hour over the speed limit, but there are two cars right in front of you, one in each lane, and they're going the exact same speed, and you can't pass either of them? There should be a term for that."
I call it a normalpoke trap, because you're trapped behind two normalpokes. They're going the speed limit, so you can't call 'em slowpokes. :}
"Yes, there was an adult-only section of the Art Show, but the items in there were no less disturbing than the things found in the adult sections of other conventions' art shows."
There's a perspective the Vanity Fair folks couldn't possibly have had!
"However, it did send me into a little introspection. Was I the press? I report on conventions for Cthulhu Coffee. It's not like I'm part of the Associated Press or anything, nor am I a professional journalist, but I was going to be writing this convention up in a public forum."
What's meant by "the press" in this case is, I surmise, mainstream publications that love to exaggerate for sensationalism and ratings, or at least can't be trusted not to. Cthulhu Coffee is not "the press". (Neither am I with my cartoon diaries!)
Hmm... suddenly I wonder whether Something Awful or Portal of Evil would be considered "the press". :}
"This was seriously the best 'dry' Consuite I had ever had the pleasure of haunting."
Yeah! I applaud the Consuite staff!
Hey, I'm in this picture, lurking between Roho (seated) and Feren (crouching)!
(...Crouching Panther, Seated Fennec?)
Hmm... I've always heard them called "Rolling Roadblocks" They are moving, and you simply can't get by. This one applies for any speed.
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