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FurNation Online Date 11/01/2002!

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We are planning a re-launch of the FurNation System on November 1st, 2002. The new co-location will give FN a much needed boost in bandwidth and capacity, and should satisify the system requirements well into next year.

You may now bounce around in complete joy!


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*bounces around*
*whaps tail against wall very hard*

Seriously though, I'm quite happy that it'll be back up soon. I've been waiting as patiently as a dolphin can.

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Glad to hear it will be back up. Can't wait. That being said....*bounces around in joy*
Hey, isn't Joy a dishsoap? Oh wait, you meant the emotion of joy. Now I'll have to rinse all that soap out of my fur. lol

Seriously, I am happy to hear it, and I'll be waiting.

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As the official group cynic at my place of employment, I shall hold joyous bouncing until I get home Friday night and click Favorites/FurNation and it works. :)

No. I am not a pessimist. I'm a realist. True, there is little difference in practice but the realist does hope to be pleasently surprised every once in awhile. With a little luck, this will be one of the pleasent ones. Now, all I need to do is learn how to type with my fingers crossed.


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As the official group cynic at my place of employment, I shall hold joyous bouncing until I get home Friday night and click Favorites/FurNation and it works. :)
No. I am not a pessimist. I'm a realist. True, there is little difference in practice but the realist does hope to be pleasently surprised every once in awhile. With a little luck, this will be one of the pleasent ones. Now, all I need to do is learn how to type with my fingers crossed.

On a similar note, I'm still wondering how they're going to pay the co-lo bill on top of higher bandwidth use when they had trouble paying their old ISP bills. Getting a loan pushes the problem back - it doesn't solve it.

I suppose time will tell.

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*Bounces around in joy*... It's not up yet, but if we are all lucky, it will be by tonight (it's Friday afternoon now). I suppose we should give them a chance to complete their workday. Hmmm, I would twiddle my thumbs, but wolves don't have any. lol Can't wiat to see the new features that will be added. Should be cool.

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Well, Due to ANOTHER hard drive crash, anda change in Co-Location provider, We may be delayed until the 10th or so.
the good news is that the donationwill cover SIX MONTHS of Gigabit access to a T-3 UUNET Backbone. Latency on our end will be a thing of the past. If there is a wait or a picture to load, it's your own ISP at fault for not giving you the T-1 line you need.

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I figured it was something. But hey, look at the good side, at least you didn't launch FurNation and THEN have the hard drive crash. Good luck with getting the site back up, can't wait to see the new features. *growls and lowers his ears as he thinks about his crappy 56k connection*

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Joyous bouncing rescheduled for Sunday.


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